Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/760

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 459-AUG. 4, 1947 Appointments ac- (C) Persons appointed in the Medical Service Corps shall be cording to periods of service. appointed in grades of second lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain, or major according to the periods of service with which they are credited in the same manner as set forth in paragraph (a) of this section for persons appointed in arms and services of the Regular Army, the officers of which are on the promotion list." 59 Stat. 66 . (b) Section 6 of said Act is amended by striking out from paragraph I0 U. C.§ 5dSt f c (b), (c). (b) thereof the words "The Pharmacy Corps" and by striking out paragraph (c) thereof and inserting in lieu thereof a new paragraph (c) as follows: (c) In the Medical Service Corps if he would upon appointment receive credit for twenty-three or more years' service under section 5 Ante, p. 735. of this Act." Transfermofacycps. SEC. 106. Officers of the Regular Army who, on the date of enact- ment of this Act, hold commissions in the Pharmacy Corps, are, effec- tive the date of enactment of this Act, transferred in grade to the Medical Service Corps. Each such officer so transferred shall be reappointed in the Medical Service Corps in the permanent grade held by him at the time of such transfer; shall be credited for the purpose of determining eligibility for promotion, with continuous commis- sioned service on the active list of the Regular Army in the Medical Service Corps equal to the period of service credited to him for promo- tion purposes under existing provisions of law, and shall, subsequent to such transfer, be thereafter promoted in accordance with the promo- tion system set forth in section 104 of this Act. Corps abolished. SEC. 107. (a) Effective the date of enactment of this Act, the Phar- macy Corps and the Medical Administrative Corps are abolished. hodsfer of persons (b) Effective the date of enactment of this Act, persons holdino tem- pointments in Army, porary appointments or commissions in the Army of the United States permanently assigned or detailed to the Medical Administrative Corps, the Pharmacy Corps, or the Sanitary Corps, shall be automatically transferred and permanently assigned or detailed, as the case may be, to the Medical Service Corps, Regular Army, established by this Act, in the same temporary grade and rank held by them at such time. (c) The Secretary of War is authorized to prescribe from time to time such regulations as may be necessary for the administration of title I of this Act. Back pay. Backa. (d) No back pay shall accrue to any person by reason of the enactment hereof. Repeal. (e) Effective the date of enactment of this Act, all laws and parts of laws, insofar as they are inconsistent with or in conflict with the provisions of title I of this Act, are repealed. TITLE II NAVY MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS Composition. SEC. 201. Effective the date of enactment of this Act, there is estab- lished in the Medical Department of the United States Navy a Medical Service Corps which shall consist of the Pharmacy, Supply, and Administration Section, the Medical Allied Sciences Section, the Optometry Section, and such other sections as may be deemed neces- Authorizedstrength. sary by the Secretary of the Navy. The authorized strength of the Medical Service Corps shall be 20 per centum of the authorized strength of the Medical Corps of the Navy. The Medical Service Corps shall consist of officers in the grades of ensign to captain, inclusive. 34U; C.8.3 48. The first proviso to section 4 of the Act of June 10, 1926 (44 Stat. Precedenc. 719), as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows: "That 736 [61 STAT.