Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/758

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 458, 459-AUG. 4,1947 Validation of prior SEC. 7. All removals of restrictions and approvals of deeds hereto- removals of restric- tions, etc. fore made by-the Secretary of the Interior, regardless of whether applications were made therefor by the Indian owner, are hereby validated and confirmed. Restricted lands. SEC. 8 . That no tract of land, nor any interest therein, which is hereafter purchased by the Secretary of the Interior with restricted funds by or for an Indian or Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma of one-half or more Indian blood, enrolled or unenrolled, shall be construed to be restricted unless the deed conveying same shows upon its face that such purchase was made with restricted funds. Validation of con- SEC. 9. That all conveyances, including oil and gas or mineral leases, by Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma of lands acquired by inheritance or devise, made after the effective date of the Act of 47Sat .77 7. 35January 27, 1933, and prior to the effective date of this Act, that were note. approved either by a county court in Oklahoma or by the Secretary of the Interior are hereby validated and confirmed: Provided, That if any such conveyance is subject to attack upon grounds other than sufficiency of approval or lack of approval thereof, such conveyance shall not be affected by this Act. 25 US. C.C. 50 SEC. 10. Section 2 of the Act of June 26, 1936 (49 Stat. 1967), com- monly known as the Oklahoma Welfare Act, shall be amended by the addition of a new paragraph as follows: enerih. fp r ef er - "The preference right of the Secretary to purchase shall be consid- ered as waived where notice of the pendency of sale is given in writing to the Superintendent of the Five Civilized Tribes for at least ten days prior to the date of sale and the Secretary does not within that time exercise the preferential right to purchase." Applicability of oil SEC. 11. All restricted lands of the Five Civilized Tribes are hereby and gas conservation aws to restricted made subject to all oil and gas conservation laws of Oklahoma: lands. Provided, That no order of the Corporation Commission affecting restricted Indian land shall be valid as to such land until submitted to and approved by the Secretary of the Interior or his duly author- ized representative. Repeals. SEC. 12. Sections 1 and 8 of the Act of January 27, 1933 (47 Stat. 777), are hereby repealed. SEC. 13. All Acts and parts of Acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Approved August 4, 1947. [CHAPTER 459] August 4,1947 AN ACT [H.R . 3215] To revise the Medical Department of the Army and the Medical Department of [Public Law 337] the Navy, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the cal ervices Corps United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may Act of 1947. be cited as the "Army-Navy Medical Services Corps Act of 1947". TITLE I ARMY MEDICAL SERVICE CORPS Composition. SEC. 101. Effective the date of enactment of this Act, there is estab- lished in the Medical Department of the Regular Army the Medical Service Corps, which shall consist of the Pharmacy, Supply, and Administration Section, the Medical Allied Sciences Section, the Sanitary Engineering Section, the Optometry Section, and such other sections as may be deemed necessary by the Secretary of War, and which shall perform such services as may be prescribed by the [61 STAT.