Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/749

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CHS. 449, 450-AUG. 4 , 1947 be, as may be necessary to assist in carrying out the purposes of this joint resolution. SEC. 4. Members of the Commission shall serve without compensa- tion except that their actual expenses in connection with the work of the Commission may be paid from any funds available for the purposes of this joint resolution, or acquired by other means herein authorized. SEC. 5. The members of the Commission shall select one of their number as chairman and another as secretary. SEC. 6. The Commission shall report its recommendations to Con- gress at the earliest practicable date. Approved August 4, 1947. 725 Compensation. Chairman and sec- retary. Report to Congress. [CHAPTER 450] JOINT RESOLUTION August 4,1947 Relating to safety in bituminous-coal and lignite mines of the United States. [S J. Res. 130] [Public Law 328] Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever the Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the Bureau of Mines or his duly authorized representative, shall, upon investigation or inspection of any coal mine, pursuant to the Act of May 7, 1941 (55 Stat. 177), find that the safety standards, set forth in the Federal Mine Safety Code for Bituminous Coal and Lignite Mines of the United States, adopted pursuant to an agreement dated May 29, 1946, between the Secretary of the Interior, acting as Coal Mines Adminis- trator, and the United Mine Workers of America, as published in 11 Federal Register 9017 (title 32, CFR., pt. 304, sees. 304.1-304.15), with respect to ventilation, rock-dusting, storage and use of explosives, roof and rib support, the use of water or water with a wetting agent or other means of dust control where mining operations raise an excessive amount of dust, and prevention of fires in the underground workings of the mines, are not being observed, he shall forthwith notify the owner and the operator of such mine and the State agency charged with the enforcement of safety measures in such mine of his findings and recommendations thereon, and request such owner, oper- ator, and State agency severally to report to the Director of the Bureau of Mines the action taken with respect to said recommendations. SEC. 2 . (a) The Secretary of the Interior, acting through the Director of the Bureau of Mines, shall, each three months, commencing September 1, 1947, report to the Congress of the United States with respect to the conditions of all bituminous-coal and lignite mines investigated or inspected during the period, all recommendations and notices to the State agencies, and action taken by such mine owners, operators, and State agencies with respect to his findings and recommendations. (b) The record of such inspections, findings, recommendations, notices, and reports, with respect thereto, shall be made available for public inspection as soon as practicable. SEC. 3 . (a) "Owner" includes a lessee and any person in possession or custody of a mine. (b) "Operator" includes any agent, manager, superintendent, cooperative, or other person having control or supervision of a mine, directly or indirectly. SEC. 4 . This Act shall remain in effect for a period of one year from the date this Act is approved. Approved August 4, 1947. Safety measures in mines. Ante, p. 700. 0su..S .. J§f-40. Notification of find- ings, etc. Report to Congras. Availability of rec- ord for public inspec- tion. "Owner." " Operator. " Effective period.