Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/734

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 425,426 -AUG. 1,1947 order is in effect and irrespective of whether particular provisions thereof are suspended or become inoperative. Maintenanceof suit "(iii) Any authority or agency established under an order may by agency, etc. maintain in its own name, or in the name of its members, a suit against any handler subject to an order for the collection of such handler's pro rata share of expenses. The several district courts of the United States are hereby vested with jurisdiction to entertain such suits regardless of the amount in controversy." 49Stat. 754. SE. 4 . Section 8c (2) (U. S . C., 1940 edition, title 7, sec. 608c (2)) is amended by inserting the words "or freezing" immediately after the word "canning" wherever said word "canning" appears in said section. Approved August 1, 1947. [CHAPTER 426] August 1, 1947 AN ACT [H. R . 1544] To provide appropriate lapel buttons for widows, parents, and next of kin of [Public Law 306] members of the armed forces who lost their lives in the armed services of the United States in World War II. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the old star laIpel but- United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, acting jointly, shall formulate and fix the size, design, and composition of a lapel button (to be known as the "gold star lapel button") suitable as a means of identification for widows and parents of members of the armed forces of the United Procurement. States who lost their lives in the armed services of the United States in World War II. The Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy shall procure for their respective departments such number of gold star lapel buttons as shall be necessary to effect distribution of such buttons in accordance with the provisions of this Act. tons to widows, par- SEC. 2. (a) Upon application to the Department of War or the ents, etc. Department of the Navy, as the case may be, one such gold star lapel button shall be furnished, without cost, to the widow and to each of the parents of a member of the armed forces of the United States who lost his life in the armed services of the United States in World War II. (b) In addition to the gold star lapel button furnished in subsection (a) of this section, gold star lapel buttons shall also be furnished, upon application and the payment of an amount sufficient to cover the cost of manufacture and distribution, to the next of kin of any such deceased estcons. person, not hereinbefore designated. No such lapel button shall be sold to any person who has been furnished a lapel button under subsection (a), and not more than one button shall be sold to any one person. Distbuto. ) Gold star lapel buttons shall be distributed in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed jointly by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy. Widow. " SEC. 3. As used in this Act, (a) the term "widow" shall include "Parens." widower; (b) the term "parents" shall include mother, father, step- "Nxt fki mother, stepfather, mother through adoption, and father through adop- "Cldreof i" tion; (c) the term "next of kin" shall include only children, brothers, en. sisters, half brothers and half sisters; and (d) the term "children" shall include stepchildren and children through adoption. fu use, etc. SEC. 4 . Whoever shall (1) wear, display on his person, or otherwise use as an insignia, any gold star lapel button issued to another person under the provisions of this Act; (2) falsely make, forge, or counter- feit, or cause or procure to be falsely made, forged, or counterfeited, or aid in falsely making, forging, or counterfeiting any lapel button issued under this Act; or (3) sell or bring into the United States, or any place subject to the jurisdiction thereof, from any foreign place, or have in his possession, any such false, forged, or counterfeited lapel [61 STAT. 710