Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/730

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 420-JULY 31, 1947 (a) the training of students in the practical and theoretical duties of commissioned naval officers, and (b) the administration of the post- graduate school. Employment of ci- SEC. 3 . The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to employ at the anpostgraduate school, under the direction of the Superintendent, such number of civilian senior professors, professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and instructors, as in his opinion may be necessary for the proper instruction of students in the theoretical, academic, and scientific subjects pertaining to the technical and practical aspects of Compensation. the naval profession; and such senior professors, professors, associate and assistant professors, and instructors so employed shall receive such compensation for their services as may be prescribed by the Secretary Report to Congress of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy shall report to the Congress each fiscal year the number of senior professors, professors, associate and assistant professors, and instructors so employed and the amount of compensation prescribed for each. The Act of January 16, 1936 (49 Stat. 1092), as amended by the Acts of November 28, 1943 (57 Stat. 60 tat. 804 . 594), and August 2, 1946 (Public Law 596, Seventy-Ninth Congress, 1073e. . c 1073 second session), shall apply to the civilian teaching staff of the post- graduate school. 60 Stat.236 . SEC. 4 . The Act of June 10, 1946 (Public Law 402, Seventy-ninth 4U.S.C. 1074. Congress, second session), creating the civilian position of Academic Dean of the Postgraduate School of the Naval Academy shall apply to the postgraduate school established by this Act. Military officers of SEC. 5 . The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to permit oreouies commissioned officers of the military services of foreign countries, with the authorization and direction of the President of the United States, to receive instruction at the postgraduate school. Such officers shall be subject to the same rules and regulations governing attend- ance, discipline, discharge, and standards of study as are applied to students of the United States Navy: Provided,That such officers shall not be entitled to appointment to any office or position in the United States Navy by reason of completion of the prescribed course of study at the postgraduate school. Attendance, etc., of SEC. 6 . The Secretary of the Navy is authorized, at the request of U.S. Army and Coast Guard offmcers. the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Treasury, to permit attendance and instruction at the postgraduate school of officers of the Army of the United States and United States Coast Guard, respectively, in such numbers and ranks as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of the Navy with the Secretaries of War and Treasury, respectively: Provided, That the War Department and the Treasury Department shall bear the proportionate share of the cost of such instruction as may be received by the students detailed to receive such instruction by the Secretaries of War and Treasury, respec- tively. Such officers of the Army of the United States and the United States Coast Guard, while under instruction, shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as are applied to students of the United States Navy. 59 Stat. 603. SEC. 7 . The title of the Act approved December 7, 1945 (Public Law 250, Seventy-ninth Congress, first session), is hereby amended to read as follows: "To authorize the Superintendent of the United States Naval Postgraduate School to confer bachelors of science, masters, and doctors degrees in engineering and related fields." Section 1 of the foregoing Act is hereby amended to read as follows: Authority to confer "That, pursuant to such regulations as the Secretary of the Navy certain degrees. may prescribe, the Superintendent of the United States Naval Post- graduate School is authorized, upon due accreditation from time to time by the appropriate professional authority of the applicable curriculum of such school leading to bachelors of science, masters 706 [61 STAT.