Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/725

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , IST SESS.-CH. 414-JULY 31, 1947 POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CONTINGENT EXPENSES, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT "For printing and binding for the Post Office Department and postal service", $350,000; OFFICE OF THE SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL "Salaries, Office of the Second Assistant Postmaster General", $123,500: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available only for temporary personal services in the District of Columbia in connec- tion with rate hearings before the Interstate Commerce Commission; FIELD SERVICE, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF 'THE POSTMASTER GENERAL "Adjusted losses and contingencies", $55,000; OFFICE OF THE FIRST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL "Carfare and bicycle allowance", $325,000; "Special-delivery compensation and fees", $750,000; "Rural Delivery Service", $2,000,000; The appropriations heretofore or herein made for "Clerks, first- and second-class post offices", "City-delivery carriers", "Carfare and bicycle allowance", and "Special-delivery compensation and fees" shall be apportioned on a quarterly basis (pursuant to section 3679, R. S., as amended, 31 U. S. C. 665) for the service of the entire fiscal year: Provided,That if determined by the Bureau of the Budget to be necessary because of increase in the volume of mail above that estimated as a basis for determining the budget estimates for the fiscal year 1948, the apportionment for any quarter of any such appropriation may be increased by not to exceed 6 per centum thereof, by transfer from the apportionment of such appropriation for any other quarter: Provided further, That there may be transferred from any of the foregoing appropriations (but no such appropriation shall be reduced by more than 5 per centum by such transfers) to any other such appropriation such amounts as may be approved by the Bureau of the Budget: Pro- vided further,That the Bureau of the Budget shall imniimediately report any such transfers with reasons therefor to the Committees on Appro- priations of the House of Representatives and the Senate; OFFICE OF THE SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL "Star Route and Air Mail Service, Alaska", $298,000; "Powerboat Service", $300,000; "Railway Mail Service", $100,000: Provided,That such funds shall be available only for temporary personal services in substitution of personal services utilized in connection with rate hearings before the Interstate Commerce Commission; "Foreign mail transportation", $10,000,000; "Balances due foreign countries", $5,000,000; "Foreign air-mail transportation", $35,000,000; "Domestic Air Mail Service", $10,000,000: The appropriations heretofore or herein made for "Star-route service", "Powerboat Service", "Railroad transportation and mail messenger service", "Railway Mail Service", and "Railway postal clerks, travel allowance", shall be apportioned on a quarterly basis (pursuant to section 3679, R. S., as amended, 31 U. S . C . 665) for the service of the entire fiscal year: Provided, That if determined by the Bureau of the Budget to be necessary because of increase in the volume of mail above that estimated as a basis for determining the budget 701 Ante, p. 228 . Ante, p. 228. Restriction. Ante, p. 229. Ante, p. 230. Ante, p. 230 . Apportionment on a quarterly basis. Increase in appor- tionment. Transfer of funds. Report to Congrea. Ante, p. 230 . Temporary personal services. Ante. p. 231. Ante, p. 231. Ante, p. 231. Ante, p. 231. Ante, p. 230. Apportionment on a quarterly basis. Increase in appor- tionment.