Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/644

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 361-JULY 30, 1947 Ante, pp. 245, 40. 3 CFR, Onm. Supp., p. 1123. 3 CFR, 1946 Supp., pp. 133, 13 . Funds from opera- tion of coal mines, etc. 8 OFR, 1948 Supp. , pp. 133,153 . Ante, p. 462 . Ante, p. 462. Idaho Panhandle facilities. Ante, p. 42 . 60Stat. 3. $13,500 may be transferred to the appropriation "Penalty mail costs, Department of Commerce", $675,000. Field office service: For an additional amount for "Field office service", $10,000. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFIOE OF THE SECRETARY WAR AGENCY LIUIDATION War Agency Liquidation: For an additional amount, for "War agency liqui ation", including liquidation of War Relocation Authority program provided for in Executive Order 9102 and the President's message to Congress of June 12, 1944 (House Document 656); the Coal Mines Administration established pursuant to Execu- tive Orders 9728 and 9758- and the functions authorized by the appropriation "Emergency fund, Territories and island possessions (national defense), Department of the Interior", contained in the Act of December 23, 1941 (55 Stat. 856); and reimbursement to the Navy Department for pay and allowances and travel expenses (except terminal leave which expenses shall be borne by the Navy Department) o officers and enlisted personnel detailed to the Coal Mines Admin- istration; $175,000, which amount shall be merged with and con- stitute one fund with the appropriation to which added, said fund to be available for all the purposes of this and said other appro- priation: Provided That funds derived from the operation of coal mines by the Coal Mines Administration for and at the risk of the Federal Government are hereby made available for settlement and other liquidating costs of such operations: Provided further, That not to exceed $12,600 of this appropriation is hereby made available for expenses incurred on and after June 30, 1947, in liquidating operations of those coal mines which have been operated for the account and at the risk of the Federal Government, which sum may be expended without regard to the provisions of any law regulating expenditures of Government funds or the employment of persons in the Government service that did not apply to the expenditure of funds in the operation of such mines under Executive Orders 9728 and 9758. BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION Construction, operation, and maintenance, Bonneville power trans- mission system: For an additional amount "Construction, operation, and maintenance, Bonneville power transmission system", $1,184,700, and in addition to the contract authorization included in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1948, the Administrator is author- ized to contract in the fiscal year 1948 for materials and equipment for power transmission facilities in an amount not in excess of $790,600. In addition to the contract authorization contained in the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1948, and the additional contract authorization contained herein, the Administrator is authorized to contract in the fiscal year 1948 for materials and equipment for the Idaho Panhandle power transmission facilities in an amount not in excess of $489,000. BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS Purchase and transportation of Indian supplies: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1947, for "Purchase and transportation of Indian supplies", $400,000. 620 [61 STAT.