Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/642

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 361-JULY 30, 1947 Group appraisal of poultry. Ante, p. U54 36 Stat. 331. Ante, p. 172. Ante, p. 163 . appraisement based on breeding value no appraisement of any such animal shall exceed three times its meat, egg-production, or dairy value, and, except in case of an extraordinary emergency, to be deter- mined by the Secretary, the payment by the United States Government for any such animals shall not exceed one-half of any such appraise- ments: Provided further, That poultry may be appraised in groups when the basis for appraisal is the same for each bird. PRODUCTION AND MARKETING ADMINISTRATION MARKETING SERVICES Insecticide Act: For an additional amount for "Marketing services, Insecticide Act", $75,000, to be merged with the appropriation under this head in the Department of Agriculture Appropriation Act, 1948, such total funds to be available for carrying out the purposes of the Act of April 26, 1910 (7 U. S. C. 121-134), and the Act of June 25, 1947 (Public Law 104), of which not to exceed $4,000 may be used for construction of buildings, and the limitation on personal services in the District of Columbia under "Marketing services" is hereby increased by $22,500. SUGAR RATIONING ADMINISTRATION Ante, p.2. Salaries and expenses: For expenses necessary to enable the Secre- tary of Agriculture to perform the functions and duties vested in him Ant, p. . by the Sugar Control Extension Act of 1947 (Public Law 30), includ- ing personal services in the District of Columbia; services as author- O sSt.810. ized y section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946; printing and binding; U.. C. not to exceed $10,000 for test purchases of commodities and ration currency for enforcement purposes; and hire of passenger motor vehicles, $210,000, together with the sum appropriated for the Sugar Rationing Administration in the Emergency Appropriation Act, Ant, p.25 . 1948 (Public Law 161), which is transferred to and made a part Ante, p. 24 . hereof: Provided,That not to exceed $20,000 may be transferred to the regular departmental appropriation for penalty mail as required by 3 U. S. C. §§ 321c- the Act of June 28, 1944. nt21f. nte, p. 40. Ante, p. 460. 3 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY Pot, p. 68. Materials distribution and liquidation of Office of Temporary Controls: For expenses necessary for carrying out the purposes of the Ante, p. 321 . Act of July 15, 1947 (Public Law 188), section 6 (a) of the Act of 53 stat. 812; 60 tat. June 7,1939, as amended by the Act of July 23,1946 (Public Law 520), §8. 50oU.. c . ie(). and those provisions of the Act of March 29, 1947 (Public Law 24) , . 24. which relate to controls over the production, distribution, and use of rubber, and for the liqudation of the Civilian Production Adminis- tration, the Office of Price Administration, the Office of War Mobili- zation and Reconversion, and all other functions of the former Office of Temporary Controls, including personal services in the District of Columbia and temporary services as authorized by section 15 of the 60stat. 810 Act of August 2 1946 (Public Law 600), $950,000, of which $500,000 6vsc~ shall be transferred to the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, fAnt, P. 299; pot, Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce" of which amount $187,000 shall be available only for carrying out the provisions of Public Law 24 Ante, p.24. (Eightieth Congress); and of the $950,000 herein provided, not to exceed $8,000 may be transferred to the appropriation "Printing and A., p- 294; post binding, Department of Commerce" and not to exceed $1,500 may be p p [61 STAT.