Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/64

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 34 , 35-APR. 15 , 1947 expiration of five months after the date of the enactment of this amendment to this amendatory proviso and the policy has not been continued in another form of Government insurance such policy may be renewed as of the date of its expiration on the same conditions upon payment of the back premiums within five months after such date of Notice to holder. enactment; and the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs shall cause notice to be mailed to the holder of any such policy of the provisions of this amendment to this amendatory proviso." Approved April 15, 1947. [CHAPTER 35] AN ACT April 15, 1947 AN ACT [H. R. 1713] To provide for the promotion of substitute employees in the postal service, and [Public Law 35] for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Postal service. United States of America in Congress assembled, That all substitute Promotion of sub- stitute employees. employees in the postal service shall be promoted successively at the beginning of the quarter following one year's satisfactory service in each grade until they reach the maximum grade authorized for the respective assignment, without regard to the number of hours they are actually employed in the postal service during the year. Service credit. SEC. 2 . Each substitute employee in the postal service shall, for promotional and leave purposes, receive credit for one-twelfth of a ear for each whole calendar month that the substitute employee has been on the rolls as a substitute since his last promotion as a substitute Regular employee or appointment as a substitute, whichever is later: Provided That reduced to substitute position. when a regular employee has been reduced to a substitute position, the months of service as a regular employee shall be included with the months served as a substitute to determine the date he will be eligible for automatic promotion under section 1 of this Act: Pro- withholding of au- vided further, That the automatic promotion of a substitute employee tomati promotion. in the postal service shall be withheld (1) for three months when such employee is absent on leave without pay and not available for duty for ninety days during a calendar year; (2) for six months when such employee is absent on leave without pay and not available for duty for one hundred and eighty days during a calendar year; (3) for nine months when such employee is absent on leave without pay and not available for duty for two hundred and seventy days during a calendar year; and (4) for one year when such employee is absent on leave without pay and not available for duty for three hundred and sixty days during a calendar year. 60 Stat. C5. SEC. 3. Section 1 of the Act of March 6, 1946 (Public Law 317, 3 .S.C. 62a Seventy-ninth Congress), entitled "An Act to provide credit for past service to substitute employees of the postal service when appointed to regular positions; to extend annual and sick-leave benefits to war- service indefinite substitute employees; to fix the rate of compensation for temporary substitute rural carriers serving in the place of regular carriers in the armed forces; and for other purposes ' , is amended to read as follows: Computation of "Upon appointment to a regular position in the Postal Service, any ment to regular posi- employee who was a substitute in the Postal Service prior to July 1, tio1945, shall receive credit for actual substitute service including time served as a special-delivery messenger, performed prior to July 1, 1945, computed on the basis of one year for each unit of two thousand four hundred and forty-eight hours of service, but such credit shall not exceed four years. The credit thus computed shall be added to credit for the time the employee has been on the rolls as a substitute employee in the Postal Service on and after July 1, 1945, computed 40 [61 STAT.