Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/579

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61 STAT.] sOTH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 357-JULY 30, 1947 stations, or subsequent to the discharge or release of such military personnel from active military service, be moved (including packing and unpacking of household effects) from such stations outside the continental limits of the United States, or in Alaska, to such locations as may be designated by such personnel, by the use of either Govern- ment or commercial means of transportation, and later from such locations to the duty stations to which such personnel may be ordered, and current appropriations of the Military Establishment available for travel and transportation may be used for this purpose, the deci- sion of the Secretary of War to be final as to the dependency of any individual sought to be affected by this provision except as to travel performed subsequent to arrival in the United States; Expenses of courts martial: For expenses of courts martial, courts of inquiry, military commissions, retiring boards, and compensation of reporters and witnesses attending same, contract stenographic reporting services, and expenses of taking depositions and securing other evidence for use before the same, $150,000; Apprehension of deserters: For the apprehension, securing, and delivering of soldiers absent without leave and of deserters, including escaped military prisoners, and the expenses incident to their pursuit; and no greater sum than $25 for each deserter or escaped military prisoner shall, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, be paid to any civil officer or citizen for such services and expenses; for expenses incident to confinement of military prisoners in nonmilitary facilities; for a donation of $10 to each prisoner discharged otherwise than honorably upon his release from confinement under court-martial sentence involving dishonorable discharge; and for a donation of not to exceed $10 to each person discharged for fraudulent enlistment as authorized by law, $100,000; Finance service: For compensation of clerks and other employees of the Finance Department, $21,469,000; Claims for damage to or loss or destruction of property, or per- sonal injury, or death: For payment of claims under the Act approved July 3, 1943 (31 U. S . C . 223b), as amended, and the Federal Tort Claims Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 601), not otherwise pro- vided for, $2,750,000; Claims of military and civilian personnel of the War Dlepmrttnent for destruction of private property: For the payment of clairs for private property lost, destroyed, captlred, abandoned, or dalnagcd in the military service of the United States, under the provisions of the Military Personnel Claims Act of 1945, $2,000,000; In all, Finance Service, Army, $2,549,755,700, to be accounted for as one fund. QUARTERMASTER CORPS QUARTERMASTER SERVICE, ARMY Welfare of enlisted men: For the equipment and conduct of school. reading, lunch, and amusement rooms, service clubs, chapels, gymna- siums. and libraries, including periodicals and other publications and subscriptions for newspapers, transportation of books and equipment for these services, rental of films, purchase of slides for and making repairs to moving-picture outfits, and for similar and other recrea- tional purposes at training and mobilization camps now established or which may be hereafter established, including expenses for the entertainment and instruction of enlisted personnel, $7,170,500: Provided,That this appropriation shall be available for the instruc- tion of officers on the same basis as enlisted men: Provided further, Claims. 57 Stat. 372. 31U. S.C.§§21b- 217 notes, 223h, 223c. 60oStat. 842 . 2S U ..S. '. § 021, 92'2 ,931 1)4, 141 145 . I'.,t, p. 722. ,) Stat. 22S. 31t. S.C.I§222e, 222(1, 223b . Recreational faecli- ti(s, etc. Instrletion of offi- cers.