Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/44

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 20 -MAR. 22, 1947 Construction fund, United States Maritime Commission, Act 49 Stat. 1987. of June 29, 1936 (transfer to National Housing Agency, Federal Public Housing Authority), $574,096. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Office of the Secretary: Working fund, Agriculture, general, $23,666.77. Working fund, Agriculture, general, 1942-1946, $78,669.52. Bureau of Agricultural Economics: Working fund, Agriculture. Bureau of Agricultural Economics, $16.25. Extension Service: Working fund, Agriculture, Extension Service, 1941-1946, $3,655. Working fund, Agriculture, Extension Service (special fund), $475.76. Agricultural Research Administration: Office of the Administrator: Removal and reestablishment of Arlington Farm, Virginia (transfer to Agriculture), $162,400.18. Working fund, Agriculture, Agricultural Research Admin- istration, 1942-1946, $34,813.89 . Working fund, Agriculture, Agricultural Research Admin- istration, 1946, $48,000. Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering: Rubber investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, $105.70. Forest Service: Working fund, Agriculture, Forest Service, 1942-1946, $51,465.66 . Working fund, Agriculture, Forest Service, 1946, $82,823.93. Acquisition of lands, $36.56. Soil Conservation Service: Working fund, Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1941- 1946, $128. Working fund, Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1942- 1946, $26,069. Production and Marketing Administration: Conservation and use of agricultural land resources, Depart- ment of Agriculture, 1946-1947, $8,945,000. 52 Stat. 819. Administration of Price Adjustment Act of 1938, Department of Agriculture, $85,638. Post P.650. Exportation and domestic consumption of agricultural com- modities, Department of Agriculture (cotton price adjustment), $139,068. Payments for agricultural adjustment, Department of Agri- culture, $4,505. Community facilities defense public works, Office of Adminis- trator, Federal Works Agency (transfer to Agriculture), $11,895. DEPARTMENT OF COMMWERCE Bureau of the Census: Working fund, Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1947, $21,500. Working fund, Commerce, Bureau of the Census, 1946, $11,385. Coast and Geodetic Survey: Working fund, Commerce, Coast and Geodetic Survey, $4,816.65. Working fund, Commerce, Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1942-1946, $8.11 . 20 [61 STAT.