Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/290

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 210-JULY 8, 1947 physician receiving compensation from this appropriation on a full- time basis shall receive compensation in the form of wages or salary from any other appropriation in this Act. HOWARD UNIVERSITY Post, p. 615. Salaries and expenses: For the partial support of Howard Univer- sity, including personal services and miscellaneous expenses and repairs to buildings and grounds, $1,864,400. Plans and specifications: For the preparation of plans and specifica- tions for construction, under the supervision of the Public Buildings Administration, on the grounds of Howard University of men's dormitory units, a law school building, administration building, biology building, and greenhouse, and for alterations to science hall, including engineering and architectural services, printing and binding, and travel, $220,000, which amount, except such part as may be neces- sary for the incidental expenses of the university, may be transferred to the Public Buildings Administration, Federal Works Agency, for the above purposes, to remain available until expended. Construction of buildings: For beginning construction, on the grounds of Howard University, under the supervision of the Public Buildings Administration, of a dental school building, an auditorium building with facilities for the school of music and the teaching of fine arts, together with alterations and installations in connection with this construction, including engineering and architectural services, printing, and travel, to remain available until expended, $2,022,080, which amount, except such part as may be necessary for the incidental expenses of the university, may be transferred to the Public Buildings Administration, Federal Works Agency, for the above purposes, and the university is authorized to contract for the completion of said construction at a total cost of not to exceed $4,109,755. OFFICE OF EDUCATION Further development of vocational education: For carrying out 60 Stat.C5i. section 3 of the Vocational Educational Act of 1946 (Public Law 586), $17,750,000: Provided, That the apportionment to the States shall be computed on the basis of not to exceed $19,842,759.97 for the fiscal year 1948, as authorized. Promotion of vocational education in Hawaii: For carrying out 43 Stat. 18 . section 4 of the Act of March 10, 1924 (20 U. S. C. 29), $30,000. Promotion of vocational education in Puerto Rico: For carrying 46 Stat. 1489. out section 1 of the Act of March 3, 1931 (20 U. S. C. 30), $105,000. Further endowment of colleges of agriculture and the mechanic arts: 49Stat.439. For carrying out section 22 of the Act of June 29, 1935 (7 U. S . C . 343d), $2,480,000. Salaries and expenses: For expenses necessary for the Office of Education, including surveys, studies, investigations, and reports regarding libraries; fostering coordination of public and school library service; coordination of library service on the national level with other forms of adult education; developing library participation in Federal projects; fostering Nation-wide coordination of research materials among libraries, interstate library coordination and the development of library service throughout the country; personal services in the District of Columbia; contract stenographic reporting services as Ustat.Cs0. authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 600), but, when contracted for on a fee basis, without regard to the limitation on rates in such section: purchase, distribution, and exchange of educational documents, motion-picture films, and lantern slides; collection, exchange, and cataloging of educational apparatus and 266 [61 STAT.