Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/106

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 50-MAY 8, 1947 Board of Governors. Such regulations shall require that each chap- ter shall, in the election of the governing body of the chapter and in the selection of delegates to the national convention of the corporation, adhere to democratic principles of election as specified in the bylaws." SEC. 6 . Section 5 of the Act to incorporate the American National 36 utat.o'l . Red Cross. approved January 5, 1905, is hereby amended to read as follows: Board of Governors. "SE. 5 . That the governing body of the corporation in which all powers of government, direction, and management of the corporation shall be lodged, shall consist of a Board of Governors numbering fifty persons, to be appointed or elected in the manner following, namely: AGorintment of "(a) Eight Governors shall be appointed by the President of the Principal officer. United States. Of the Governors so appointed, one shall be desig- nated by the President of the United States to act as the principal officer of the corporation with such title and such functions as may from time to time be prescribed in the bylaws; and the remainder shall be officials of departments and agencies of the Federal Government, whose positions and interests are such as to qualify them to contribute toward the accomplishment of Red Cross programs and objectives. Of these at least one and not more than three shall be selected from the armed forces. bovernr elected (b) Thirty Governors shall be elected by the chapters. The Gov- ernors so elected shall be elected at the national convention under procedures for nomination and election which shall be such as to insure equitable representation of all the chapters, having regard to geo- graphical considerations, to the size of the chapters and to the size of the populations served by the chapters. boverors elected (c) Twelve Governors shall be elected by the Board of Governors as members-at-large. The Governors so elected shall be individuals who are representative of the national interests which it is the func- tion of the Red Cross to serve, and with which it is desirable that the corporation shall have close association. Term of office. "The term of office of all Governors shall be three years, except that the term of office of any Governor appointed by the President of the United States (other than the principal officer of the corporation) shall expire if and when such Governor shall retire, prior to the date on which his term as Governor would otherwise expire, from the offi- cial position held at the time of his appointment as Governor. lrt Board. "Of the first Board of Governors to be selected hereunder, those Governors to be elected pursuant to subsection (b) of this section 5 shall be elected at the first national convention following the enact- ment of this Act, those Governors to be elected pursuant to subsection (c) shall be elected as soon as practicable following such first national convention, and those Governors to be appointed pursuant to subsec- tion (a) shall be appointed so as to take office at the same time. The Governors so elected pursuant to subsections (b) and (c) shall be divided by lot into three classes, the terms of which shall expire at the end of one, two, and three years, respectively, so that thereafter one-third of the members of the Board of Governors elected pursuant to subsections (b) and (c) will be chosen at the time of each national convention, and shall take office at such time or as soon as practicable thereafter. Filling of vacancies. "The President of the United States shall fill as soon as may be any vacancy that may occur by death, resignation, or otherwise in the office of the principal officer of the corporation or in the membership of the Board of Governors appointed by him. Any vacancy that may occur in the Governors elected by the chapters pursuant to subsection (b) or in the Governors-at-large elected by the Board of Governors pur- suant to subsection (c), shall be temporarily filled by appointment 82 [61 STAT.