Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/1000

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INDEX Biological Investigations, appropriation Page for----------------------------- 487 Birds: Appropriation for- Bald eagle, protection of --------- Migratory Bird Treaty Act, enforce- ment----------------------- Migratory birds, protection of ----- Reservations, maintenance of----- 487, Bixby Dam, appropriation for --------- Black Bass Act, appropriation for enforce- ment --------------------------- Black Bass and Other Game Fish, regula- tion of interstate transportation - -- Blair County, Pa., transfer from middle judicial district to western judicial district-------------------------- Blind: Books for adult, appropriation for --- Copyrights, works in raised characters- Importation of copies, nonapplica- bility of designated prohibition_ Nonapplicability of certain require- ments respecting mechanical work---------------------- Grants to States for aid to. See Social Security Act; Social Security Ad- ministration. Blind, American Printing House for the, appropriation for .--- ---- ---- ---- - Boise Project, Idaho, appropriation for -- 473 Bonds, Official and Penal: Codification and enactment into positive law of title 6, United States Code- Custody -------------------------- Delinquency of principal, notice of --- Penal bonds, bonds or notes of United States in lieu of; place of deposit; return to depositor; contractors' bonds------------------------- Renewal; continuance of liability ---- Repeals --------------------------- Sureties- Examination as to sufficiency------- Limitation of actions against-------- Premium on bond, rate; premiums not to be paid by United States---- Surety companies as------------ Appointment of agents; service of process --------------------- Charter, deposit of copy------- Estoppel to deny corporate powers_ Failure to comply with law; pen- alty----------------------- Judgment, nonpayment of------- Jurisdiction of suits on bonds----- Statements, quarterly----------- 487 487 487 621 699 487 517 310 373 663 657 264 116, 3,474 64f 64( 64, 651 64' 65 64' 64; 651 64. 64 64 64 65 64 64 64 londs, Securities, Etc.: Page Government obligations, purchase and sale by Federal Reserve banks, re- port to Congress---------------- 56 Termination date of provisions, amendments of Second War Powers Act-------------- 34, 214, 322 Hawaii, issuance of- General-obligation bonds, Honolulu- 381 Public-improvement bonds; limita- tion; approval of President of U. S------------------------ 326 Revenue bonds, ratification and con- firmation of Act 10 of Session Laws of Hawaii, 1947---------- 676 Liberty Bond Act, Second. See separate title. Official and Penal Bonds, codification and enactment into positive law of title 6, United States Code-------- 646 Taxation on issues of capital stock and bonds------------------------ 921 Bonneville Power Administration. See under Interior, Department of the. Bonny Dam, Republican Basin, appropria- tion for ------------------------- 699 Boston, Mass., pneumatic-tube service, appropriation for----------- 29, 112, 232 Botanic Garden: Appropriation for------------ . - - - -- 27, 371 Nursery stock, distribution by congres- sional allotment, restriction------- 371 Boulder Canyon Project: Appropriation for . --- -- -- -- -- --- - 116, 476 Revision of language of Interior De- partment Appropriation Act, 1947- 183 Boulder Canyon Project Act, applicability to waters and lands in connection with Gila project, Ariz ------------- 628 Boulder Dam, restoration of name Hoover Dam to ------------------------- 56 Boundary and Water Commission, Inter- national, United States and Mexico: Appropriation for ----------------- 284, 285 Laredo, Tex., transfer of certain proper- ty at Fort McIntosh to U. S . Sec- tion--------------------------- 423 Boundary Commission, International, United States and Canada and Alaska and Canada, appropriation for --- 117, 286 Bowling Alleys, Tax on, war tax rates of certain miscellaneous taxes, continu- ance---------------------------- 12 Boxer Rebellion Veterans and Dependents, increase in pension rates------------ 610 Boy Scouts, World Jamboree: Passports, issuance----------------- 38 Taxes, nonapplicability of certain----- 38 XIX