Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/995

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PUBLIC LAWS--CHS. 932, 933-AUG. 9, 1946 [CHAPTER 932] August 9, 1946 [H. R. 5380] To provide for the conferring of the degree of bachelor of science upon graduates [Public Law 705] of the United States Merchant Marine Academy. 48 Stat. 73. 10U. S. C. §486a. Naval, Military, Merchant Marine, and Coast Guard Academies. Degree of bachelor of science. August 9, 1946 [H. R . 6165] [Public Law 706] Yakima Tribes. Membership roll. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of May 25, 1933, as amended, relating to the conferring of degrees upon graduates of the Naval Academy, Military Academy, and Coast Guard Academy is hereby amended to read as follows: "The superintendents of the United States Naval Academy, the United States Military Academy, the United States Merchant Marine Academy, and the United States Coast Guard Academy may, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of War, the United States Maritime Commission, and the Secretary of the Treasury, respectively may prescribe, confer the degree of bachelor of science upon all graduates of their respective academies, from and after the date of the accrediting of said academies by the Association of American Universities. On and after the date of the accrediting of the said academies by the Asssociation of American Universities the superintendents of the respective academies may, under such rules and regulations as the respective Secretaries, or the Maritime Commission, may make, confer the degree of bachelor of science upon such other living graduates of the respective academies as shall have met the requirements of the respective academies for such degree." Approved August 9, 1946. AN ACT To provide for the preparation of a membership roll of the Indians of the Yakima Reservation, Washington, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, with the advice and consent of the Yakima Tribal Council, to prepare a roll showing the members of the Yakima Tribes living on the date of the approval of this Act, which roll shall be kept current and shall constitute the official membership roll of the Yakima Tribes for all purposes. No person who is enrolled with any other tribe of Indians or who has received an allotment of land on any other reser- vation shall be enrolled under the provisions of this Act. The following shall be placed on the roll: (a) All living persons who received allotments on the Yakima Reservation, except by fraud. (b) All living persons who are of the blood of the fourteen original Yakima Tribes, parties to the treaty of June 9, 1855 (12 Stat. 951), and who have received allotments on the public domain within the area ceded to the United States by the Yakima Tribes by the treaty of 1855. (c) All living persons who have maintained a domicile continu- ously from January 1, 1941, until the date of approval of this Act on the Yakima Reservation or within the area ceded by the treaty of June 9, 1855 (12 Stat. 951), and who are (1) descendants of per- sons who received allotments on the Yakima Reservation, except by fraud, or (2) descendants of persons of the blood of the fourteen original Yakima Tribes who received allotments on the public domain within the area ceded by the said treaty of 1855. All living children born after January 1, 1941, but prior to the date of approval 968 [60 STAT. AN AC'T [CHAPTER 933]