Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/973

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 912, 913-AUG. 8 , 1946 August 8, 1946 [H. R . 6896] [Public Law 603] Miles City, Mont. Conveyance. Land for industrial and recreational pur- poss. of the Administrator, as an enrollee in the United States Maritime Service on active duty, and, to such extent as the Administrator shall prescribe, any period awaiting assignment to such service and any period of education or training for such service in any school or institution under the jurisdiction of the Administrator or any civilian marine school under the jurisdiction of the Army Transportation Corps." Approved August 8, 1946. [CHAPTER 913] AN ACT To grant to the city of Miles City, State of Montana, certain land in Custer County, Montana, for industrial and recreational purposes and as a museum site. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to convey by patent to the city of Miles City, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Montana, the following tracts of public lands, to wit: Thirty-seven and twenty-six one-hundredths acres of land, to be used for industrial and recreational purposes, said land being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the north right-of-way line of United States Highways Numbered 10 and 12, said point being north forty-two degrees forty-four minutes west a distance of nine hundred and seventy-one and one-tenth feet from the section corner of sections 4 and 5, township 7 north, range 47 east, and sections 32 and 33, town- ship 8 north, range 47 east; thence north sixty degrees fifteen minutes west a distance of one thousand five hundred and sixty-six and twelve one-hundredths feet more or less to the south right-of-way line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad station 3209 plus 88.5; thence north forty-seven degrees sixteen minutes east five hundred and eighty-eight and five-tenths feet along the south right-of-way line; thence north forty-two degrees forty-four minutes west a distance of one hundred and fifty feet along the right-of-way jog at station 3204 plus 00 i thence north forty-seven degrees sixteen minutes east along the south right-of-way line a distance of six hundred feet to station 3198 plus 00; thence south forty-two degrees forty-four minutes east a distance of fifty feet; thence north forty-seven degrees sixteen minutes east along the south right-of-way line a distance of one thousand one hundred and five and eight one-hundredths feet more or less to the intersection of the south right-of-way line and the line between A. P. Numbered 1 and A. P. Numbered 2 south thirty-two; thence south twenty degrees thirty minutes east a distance of one hundred and thirty-six and twenty-seven one-hundredths feet more or less to A. P. Numbered 1 south thirty-two; thence south fifty-three degrees forty minutes east a distance of seventy-five and twenty-two one-hundredths feet more or less to a point three hundred and fifty feet at right angles to the Chicago, Milwaukee, Saint Paul and Pacific Railroad; thence south forty-seven degrees sixteen minutes west a distance of one thousand and sixty-seven and seventy-nine one-hundredths feet; thence south forty-two degrees forty-four minutes east a distance of one thousand one hundred and twenty-four and six-tenths feet more or less to a point on the north right-of-way of United States Highways Numbered 10 and 12; thence along the arc of a circular curve (radius one thousand nine hundred and seventy feet through an angle of ten degrees fifty-one and five-tenths minutes) a distance of three hundred 946 [60 STAT.