Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/866

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79TH OONG., 2D SESS.-CH. 753-AUG. 2, 1946 ASSIGNMENT OF CAPITOL SPACE SEC. 242. The President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall cause a survey to be made of available space within the Capitol which could be utilized for joint committee meetings, meetings of conference committees, and other meetings, requiring the attendance of both Senators and Members of the House of Representatives; and shall recommend the reassign- ment of such space to accommodate such meetings. SENATE AND HOUSE PAGES SEC. 243. (a) The Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, acting jointly, are authorized and directed to enter into an arrangement with the Board of Education of the Dis- trict of Columbia for the education of Congressional pages and pages of the Supreme Court in the public school system of the District. Such arrangement shall include provision for reimbursement to the District of Columbia for any additional expenses incurred by the public school system of the District in carrying out such arrangement. (b) There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to reimburse the District of Columbia in accordance with the arrangement referred to in subsection (a). (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section, said page or pages may elect to attend a private or parochial school of their own choice: Provided, however, That such private or parochial school shall be reimbursed by the Senate and House of Representatives only in the same amount as would be paid if the page or pages were attending a public school under the provisions of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS AND PERSONNEL SEC. 244 . All necessary funds required to carry out the provisions of this Act, by the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House, are hereby authorized to be appropriated, and the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House are hereby further authorized to employ such administrative assistants as may be necessary in order to carry out the provisions of this Act under their respective jurisdictions. EFFECTIVE DATE SEC. 245. This title shall take effect on the date of its enactment; ex- cept that sections 202 (a), (b) (, (),(e),(f),and (h),222, 223,224, and 243 shall take effect on the day on which the Eightieth Congress convenes. TITLE III-REGULATION OF LOBBYING ACT SHORT TITLE SEC. 301. This title may be cited as the "Federal Regulation of Lobbying Act". DEFINITIONS SEC. 302. When used in this title- (a) The term "contribution" includes a gift, subscription, loan, advance, or deposit of money or anything of value and includes a contract, promise, or agreement, whether or not legally enforceable, to make a contribution. Meetings of joint committees, etc. Education. Reimbursement to D.C . Appropriation au- thorized. Election of private or parochial school. Post, pp. 911, 912. Ante, pp. 834, 836, 838; nepm. 60 STAT.] 839