Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/50

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CHS. 32 , 33-FEB. 20 , 1946 of this Act were actually operating on July 1, 1941, may become effec- tive, without notice, as of the date of enactment of this part, if tariffs covering such joint rates or charges and concurrences are filed with the Commission within thirty days after the date of enactment of this part; "(4) No new or additional joint rate or charge may be established under authority of this subsection for service from any point of origin to any point of destination with respect to any particular commodity or class of traffic unless at least one rate or charge for service from such point of origin to such point of destination with respect to such commodity or class of traffic, established by an individual freight forwarder or by a freight forwarder jointly with a common carrier by motor vehicle, is already lawfully in effect; but for purposes of this paragraph the making of a change in a joint rate or charge which has been established, or which has become effective pursuant to this subsection, shall not be deemed to constitute the establishment of a new or additional joint rate or charge; "(5) Any joint rate or charge or concurrence established, or which becomes effective pursuant to this subsection, may at any time be canceled or withdrawn in accordance with the provisions of part II of this Act; "(6) The filing of tariffs under paragraph (2) or (3) of this sub- section may be in accordance with the requirements with respect to the form and manner of filing tariffs in effect under part II of this Act prior to December 31, 1936; "(7) For the purpose of computing the period of thirty days pre- scribed in paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of this subsection, the date of mailing by registered mail shall be deemed the date of filing; and "(8) As used in this subsection the term 'rates or charges' includes classifications, rules, and regulations with respect thereto." Approved February 20, 1946. [CHAPTER 33] AN ACT 23 New or additional joint rates, restriction. Changes. Cancellation or withdrawal. Filing of tariffs. "Rates or charges." February 20 1946 To declare a national policy on employment, production, and purchasing power, [8. 380] and for other purposes. [Public Law 804] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SHORT TITLE SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the "Employment Act of 1946". 9iPt' PP - 838 912 DECLARATION OF POLICY SEC. 2 . The Congress hereby declares that it is the continuing policy and responsibility of the Federal Government to use all practicable means consistent with its needs and obligations and other essential considerations of national policy, with the assistance and cooperation of industry, agriculture, labor, and State and local governments, to coordinate and utilize all its plans, functions, and resources for the purpose of creating and maintaining, in a manner calculated to foster and promote free competitive enterprise and the general welfare, con- ditions under which there will be afforded useful employment oppor- tunities, including self-employment, for those able, willing, and seeking to work, and to promote maximum employment, production, and purchasing power.