Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/489

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 541-JULY 5, 1946 Protection of the the protection of the person of the President of the United States; the acquisition, collection, classification, and preservation of identification and other records and their exchange with the duly authorized officials of the Federal Government, of States, cities, and other institutions; for such other investigations regarding official matters under the con- trol of the Department of Justice and the Department of State as may be directed by the Attorney General; personal services in the District of Columbia; purchase of not to exceed one hundred and fifty (for replacement only), and hire, maintenance, and operation of motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; firearms and ammunition; sta- tionery, supplies, floor coverings, equipment, and telegraph, teletype, and telephone service; not to exceed $3,000 for taxicab hire to be used Traveling expenses. exclusively for the purposes set forth in this paragraph; traveling expenses, including the cost of a compartment or such other accommo- dations as may be authorized by the Director for security when author- ized personnel are required to transport secret documents or hand baggage containing highly technical and valuable equipment; payment of rewards when specifically authorized by the Attorney General for information leading to the apprehension of fugitives from justice; and fmdentrgeraceron- including not to exceed $50,000 to meet unforeseen emergencies of a confidential character, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General, who shall make a certificate of the amount of such expenditure as he may think it advisable not to specify, and every such certificate shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have been expended, $23,000,000. plo-ieeservie em - None of the funds appropriated for the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation shall be used to pay the compensation of any civil-service employee. IMMIORATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE Salaries and expenses, Immigration and Naturalization Service: For all expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary for the admin- istration and enforcement of the laws relating to immigration, natural- zation, and alien registration; including personal services in the District of Columbia; care, detention, maintenance, transportation, and other expenses incident to the deportation, removal, and exclusion of aliens in the United States and to, through, or in foreign countries; payment of rewards for information leading to the apprehension or conviction of violators of the immigration laws; stationery, supplies, floor coverings. equipment, and telegraph, teletype, and telephone services; traveling expenses, including not to exceed $5,000 for attend- ance at meetings concerned with the purposes of this appropriation; purchase for replacement only (not to exceed three hundred), hire, maintenance, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles; maintenance and operation of aircraft; firearms and ammu- nition; lawbooks, citizenship textbooks for free distribution, books of reference, and periodicals, including the exchange thereof; refunds of head tax, maintenance bills, immigration fines, and other items properly returnable, except deposits of aliens who become public charges and deposits to secure payment of fines and passage money; Mwileagand fees of mileage and fees of witnesses subpenaed on behalf of the United States; stenographic reporting services by contract; and operation, maintenance, remodeling, and repair of buildings and the purchase Rei seaentesof of equipment incident thereto; $25,500,000: Provided, That the Attor- ney General may transfer to, or reimburse, any other department, agency, or office of Federal, State, or local governments, funds in such amounts as may be necessary for salaries and expenses incurred by them in rendering authorized assistance to the Department of Justice in connection with the administration and enforcement of said laws; Aien enemies. for detention of alien enemies, including the construction of temporary 462 [60 STAT.