Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/340

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60 STAT.] 79TH CONG. , 2D SESS.-CHS. 495-497-JUNE 26, 1946 Academic Board, who shall have such duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Superintendent of the Academy with the approval of the Secretary of War. Appointments to this position shall be made from among permanent professors who have served as heads of departments of instruction of the Academy. The dean of the Academic Board shall have the rank, pay, allowances, retirement rights, and other benefits authorized for permanent brigadier gen- erals of the Army, except that the statutory retirement age shall be the same as that of other permanent professors of the Academy. Approved June 26, 1946. [CHAPTER 496] AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to purchase improvements or pay damages for removal of improvements located on public lands of the United States in the Anderson Ranch Reservoir site, Boise reclamation project, Idaho. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to purchase improvements located on public lands of the United States within the boundaries of the Ander- son Ranch Reservoir, Boise reclamation project, Idaho, or to make payment for damages for the removal of improvements from the public lands of the United States within the boundaries of said reser- voir. Any funds appropriated for the construction of the Anderson Ranch Reservoir, Boise reclamation project, Idaho, shall be avail- able for such purchase or payment of damages. Payments may be made pursuant to this Act to persons, firms, or corporations who shall establish to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Interior that they are entitled equitably to receive the same, and who sign contracts and vouchers for the same upon forms approved by the Secretary of the Interior: Provided, That amounts so paid shall not exceed the reasonable value, in the judgment of the Secretary of the Interior, of the improvements purchased or the actual damages (not exceeding in any event the reasonable value of the said improve- ments, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior) found by the Secretary of the Interior to have been sustained as a result of the removal of said improvements, as the case may be. Approved June 26, 1946. [CHAPTER 497] AN ACT To authorize the Federal Works Administrator to accept and dispose of real estate devised to the United States by the late Maggie Johnson, of Polk County, Arkansas, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stataes of America in Congress assembled, That the Federal Works Administrator be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to accept on behalf of the United States the real estate devised to the United States by the late Maggie Johnson, of Polk County, Arkansas, and to deal with the same in the manner provided by the Act of August 27, 1935 (49 Stat. 885; U. S . C., title 40, sec. 304a and the following), or the Act of August 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 800; U. S . C. title 40, sec. 345b): Provided, That prior to disposition under authority of the aforesaid Act, the Federal Works Administrator may offer to convey to James W. Rose, of Polk County, Arkansas, such real estate at one-half the appraised value thereof and execute in the name of the United States a quitclaim deed to the property. Approved June 26, 1946. June 26, 1946 [H. R. 16891 [Public Law 450] Anderson Ranch Reservoir, Boise rec- lamation project, Idaho. Restriction. June 26, 1946 [H. R. 2677] [Public Law 451] Federal Works Ad- ministrator. Acceptance, etc., of certain real estate. 40U.S.C. i304a- 304e. Ante, p. 257. James W. Rose. 313 Rank, pay, etc.