Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/323

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 445 -JUNE 22, 1946 Limitations respect- ing loans and ad- vances. 47 Stat. 713. Exceptions. Vehicles Limitation on use. Maintenance, etc. Use of funds. GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 2 . No part of any appropriation contained in this Act or author- ized hereby to be expended shall be used to pay the compensation or expenses of any officer or employee of the Department, or any bureau, office, agency, or service of the Department, or any corporation, insti- tution, or association supervised thereby, who makes or approves, or directs or authorizes any other officer or employee of the Department or of any such bureau, office, agency, service, corporation, institution, or association to make or approve, (1) any loan or advance under the provisions of food production financing bulletins F-1 or F-2, issued by the Farm Credit Administration operating under the Food Pro- duction Administration, Production Loans Branch, as heretofore or hereafter amended, unless (a) the applicant represents in writing and it is administratively determined that credit sufficient in amount to finance the production of the crops or livestock specified in the application is not available to him from sources other than the Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation or is available from other sources only on such terms and conditions that he could not use the other credit available to the extent necessary to produce the entire quantity of such crops or livestock specified in his application and (b) the person authorized to approve the loan or advance on behalf of the Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation finds that a greater quantity of the crops or livestock specified in the application would be likely to be produced if the loan or advance is made than would be produced other- wise, or (2) any loan or advance under the provisions of section 201 (e) of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932 (12 U. S. C. 1148), as amended (other than loans or advances under bulletins F-l and F-2 made or approved on the conditions specified in this section) except (a) in regions in which loans or advances had been made under said section 201 (e) of the Emergency Relief and Con- struction Act of 1932 within one year prior to December 1, 1942, or (b) in any region which the Secretary shall have designated as a region in which the making of such loans or advances is necessary in order to finance the production of crops or livestock that otherwise would not be produced in such region: Provided, That none of the limitations provided for by this section shall apply with respect to any loan or advance made or approved at any time for the purpose of financing the completion of production undertaken before July 12, 1943, or for the purpose of protecting or preserving the security for or assisting in the collection or liquidation of any loan or advance made or approved before such date. SEO. 3. Within the unit limit of cost fixed by law the lump-sum appropriations herein made for the Department shall be available for the purchase of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicles necessary in the conduct of the field work of the Department outside the District of Columbia, but the number of such vehicles pur- chased or otherwise acquired for all the activities of the Department for which appropriations are made in this Act shall not exceed the total number indicated for purchase by the Department under the statements of proposed expenditures for purchase, maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles in the Budget plus twelve additional such vehicles for work in connection with experimental forests and ranges: Provided, That such vehicles shall be used only for official service outside the District of Columbia, but this shall not prevent the continued use for official service of motor- trucks in the District of Columbia: Provided further, That appro- priations contained in this Act shall be available for the maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled and horse-drawn passenger- carrying vehicles: Provided further, That the funds available under 296 [60 STAT.