Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/315

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 445-JUNE 22, 1946 Soil conservation. 49 Stat. 1148 . 16 U. S. C.. Snpp. V, 590g etseq. Post,p. 663 . 2Stat.31. 7U.S.C., Snpp.V, § 1282 et seq. Ante, p. 21; post, pp. 705,866. 52Stat.36 etseq. 7U..C. . 1291, 1292, 1303, 1381 , 1383, 1401-1518; Supp. V, §§ 1381 note, 1401 t seq. 49 Stat. 774. 7U.S.C., Supp.V, §612 note. Harvesting of seeds. Administrative ex- penses. 2 Stat. 69. 7u.s.C.I Supp. V, 1392. Information ployees. 1392; em- 50 U. S. C., Supp. V, app. 601 note. Programs of soil- building practices, etc. 49 Stat. 1148; 52 Stat. 31. 16 U. S.C.§§ 590g- 590q; Supp. V , § 590g etseq;7U.S.C.JJ 1281-1407; Supp. V, I1282etseq. Ante, p. 21; post, pp. 663,705,866 . projects, $700,000, to be immediately available and to remain avail- able until expended, which sum shall be merged with the unexpended balances of funds heretofore appropriated or transferred to said Department for the purposes of said Act, including personal services in the District of Columbia; purchase of books of reference and periodicals; and leveling or otherwise preparing any lands, irre- spective of ownership, within the boundaries of approved projects for the utilization of irrigation water. PRODUCTION AND MARKETING ADMINISTRATION CONSERVATION AND USE OF AGRICULToRAL LAND RESOUmRES For all expenses necessary to enable the Secretary to carry into effect the provisions of sections 7 to 17, inclusive, of the Soil Con- servation and Domestic Allotment Act, approved February 29, 1936, as amended (16 U. S. C . 590g-590q), and the provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended (7 U. S . C. 1281- 1407) (except the provisions of sections 201, 202, 303, 381, and 383 and the provisions of titles IV and V), including personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere; not to exceed $6,000 for the preparation and display of exhibits, including such displays at State, interstate, and international fairs within the United States; purchase of lawbooks, books of reference, periodicals; $259,246,000, together with $42,500,000 of the unobligated balances for the fiscal years 1944, 1945, and 1946 of the funds appropriated by section 32 of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Agricultural Adjustment Act, and for other purposes", approved August 24, 1935 (7 U. S . C . 612 (c)); in all, $301,746,000, to remain available until December 31, 1947, for compliance with programs under said provisions of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended, and the Act of February 29, 1936, as amended, pursuant to the provisions of the 1946 programs carried out during the period July 1, 1945, to Decem- ber 31, 1946, inclusive, and, in addition, $12,500,000 for making addi- tional payments on an acreage and pound basis for harvesting seeds of grasses and legumes determined by the Secretary to be necessary for an adequate supply of such seeds; in all, $314,246,000: Provided, That not to exceed $27,942,888 of the total sum provided under this head shall be available during the current fiscal year, for salaries and other administrative expenses for carrying out such programs, the cost of aerial photographs, however, not to be charged to such limitation; but not more than $7,886,480 shall be transferred to the appropriation account, "Administrative expenses, section 392, Agri- cultural Adjustment Act of 1938": Provided further, That none of the funds herein appropriated or made available for the functions assigned to the Agricultural Adjustment Agency pursuant to the Executive order (No. 9069) of February 23, 1942, shall be used to pay the salaries or expenses of any regional information employees or any State or county information employees, but this shall not preclude the answering of inquiries or supplying of information to individual farmers: Provided further, That such amount shall be available for salaries and other administrative expenses in connection with the formulation and administration of the 1947 programs (amounting to $300,000,000, including administration) of soil- building practices and soil- and water-conservation practices, under the Act of February 29, 1936, as amended, and programs under the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as amended; but the payments or grants under such program shall be conditioned upon the utiliza- tion of land with respect to which such payments or grants are to be made, in conformity with farming practices which will encourage 288 [60 STAT.