Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/199

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 251 -MAY 13, 1946 Authorizations. Pot,p . 468. Planning and sur- veys. Planning and re- search. Planning and re- search. Act, the establishment of a Nation-wide system of public airports ade- quate to meet the present and future needs of civil aeronautics, the Administrator is authorized, within the limits of available appropria- tions made therefor by the Congress, to make grants of funds to spon- sors for airport development as hereinafter provided. APPROPRIATIONS Appropriation for Preliminary Expenses SEC. 5. (a) In addition to amounts hereinafter authorized to be appropriated for administrative expenses, the sum of $3,000,000 is hereby authorized to be appropriated immediately upon the enactment of this Act for expenses of preliminary planning and surveys incident to the initiation of the airport program provided for by this Act, including administrative expenses, which sum shall remain available until expended. Annual Appropriations for Projects in States (b) For the purpose of carrying out this Act with respect to projects in the several States, annual appropriations amounting in the aggregate to $500,000,000 are hereby authorized to be made to the Administrator over a period of seven fiscal years, beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947. The appropriation for any such fiscal year shall not exceed $100,000,000 and shall remain available until June 30, 1953, unless sooner expended. Not to exceed 5 per centum of any such annual appropriation, as specified in the Act making such appropriation, shall be available to the Administrator for necessary planning and research and for administrative expenses incident to the administration of this Act in the several States; except that if 5 per centum of the appropriation for any fiscal year is less than $3,500,000, or if there is no appropriation for such fiscal year, not to exceed $3,500,000 in the aggregate may be made available to the Administrator, for such fiscal year, for such planning and research and administrative expenses. Any amounts made available to the Administrator for such planning and research and administra- tive expenses shall be deducted for purposes of determining the amounts available for grants for projects in the several States. Annual Appropriations for Projects in Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico (c) For the purpose of carrying out this Act with respect to projects in the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii, and in Puerto Rico, annual appropriations amounting in the aggregate to $20,000,000 are hereby authorized to be made to the Administrator over a period of seven fiscal years beginning with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947. The appropriation for any such fiscal year shall remain available until June 30, 1953, unless sooner expended. Not to exceed 5 per centum of any such annual appropriation, as specified in the Act making such appropriation, shall be available to the Administrator for necessary planning and research and for administrative expenses incident to the administration of this Act with respect to projects in the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii, and in Puerto Rico; and the amount so available shall be deducted from such appropriation for purposes of determining the amount thereof available for grants for projects therein. Of the total amount available for such grants, 50 per centum shall be available for projects in the Territory of Alaska, 172 [60 STAT.