Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1281

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INDEX Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1946-Con. Treasury Department-Continued. Marine Boards-Continued. Transfer of functions to Coast Guard and Bureau of Cus- toms ---- __ _-- ____ _____ __. Marine Casualty Investigation Board- Abolition ---- _--___-_-._-___.-- _ Transfer of functions to Coast Guard and Bureau of Cus- toms----------__..____._- Marine Inspection and Navigation, Bureau of- Abolition -------__--___-_______- Transfer of functions to Coast Guard and Bureau of Cus- toms--- ....------ _._ .- _-_- Secretary, performance of transferred functions, powers --- __ -. ____ -- Supervising Inspectors, Board of- Abolition ---------- ____________ Transfer of functions to Coast Guard and Bureau of Cus- toms ---------- _----------- United States Employment Service, transfer to, of certain placement functions under Selective Training and Service Act of 1940_________ War Department, functions with respect to certain insane persons, transfer_ Representatives in Congress. See House of Representatives. Republic of the Philippines Military As- sistance Act----_- - _- -- - .- -___- - _ Rescission Act, 1946, First Supplemental Surplus Appropriation--- .-- _---- Rescission Act, 1946, Second Supple- mental Surplus Appropriation- - - Rescission Act, 1946, Third Supple- mental Surplus Appropriation -. -- -- Reserve Fleet, National Defense, estab- lishment, composition ----. _ ... ... . Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Army: Appropriation for -.-------------.- Limitations and restrictions, desig- nated _-__----.--____--------_- Surplus stocks of War Department, furnishing of supplies from --- ___- Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Naval: Appropriation for ._____.......___-- Reduction in appropriations ---- . . - - - Transfer of funds - --- _______________ Uniforms, etc., furnishing from surplus Pag4 109, 1091 109; 109f 1097 109E 109E 1097 1101 1098 315 6 221 624 49 558 559 559 483 16 627 stocks --------------------- . 484,854 Reservoirs. See Flood-control projects under Rivers and Harbors. Resettlement Projects. See Farm Ten- ant Act; Rural Rehabilitation. Retirement, Government Employees. See Retirement under Government Employees. Retirement and Disability System, For- eign Service. See Retirement and Disability System under Foreign Service Act of 1946. Retraining and Reemployment Adminis- tration. See under Labor, Depart- ment of. Revenue. See Taxes. Revenue Act of 1942, Amendment, powers of appointment in disposition of estates, release of, time extension- Revised Statutes: Section 192, repeal ------------ .- - - - Section 208, repeal --------- .- - - .- __ Section 355, nonapplicability of provi- sions in designated cases --- ___-- Section 1379, repeal---____________- Section 1444, repeal ---------- ..- - - _ Section 1528, repeal ------ .- - -- - - - - - Section 1548, repeal ----------- __--_ Section 1585, repeal _--....._. _- -_ Section 1624, article 38, amendment__- Section 1674, repeal-_______________ Section 1675, repeal--............ Section 1685, repeal------------ .. - -- Section 1686, repeal ---------------. - Section 1688, repeal------------------ Section 1695, repeal------------------ Section 1696, repeal----- .___ _-- -__- - Section 1712, repeal -------------- __.- Section 1713, repeal------- -. _..--__- Section 1714, repeal ------ . _ __ --_ __ - Section 1738, repeal__-__ _ Section 1740, repeal_ . Section 1743, repeal Section 1744, repeal . .- -- - Section 1748, repeal__ .. ... .. Section 1749, repeal ---


_ Section 1752, repeal ---------- ______ Section 1779, repeal ..------- -- -- --_ Section 3709, amendment ---------__- Exemptions, certain, repeal of---- __ _ Section 4921, amendment --------___ _ Section 5296, amendment------------. Revision of the Laws, Committee on, ap- propriation for increased pay costs_ Rewards. See also Awards. Coast Guard, navigation aids, appre- hension, etc., of persons interfering with, payment authorized --- -_ - - Navy Department- Missing naval property, payment for information leading to discovery or recovery ------ ______--.__-- Restriction on navment_ Page 229 811 1035 286 1062 29 854 234 855 4 1035 1035 1035 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036 1036 811 809 809 778 524 104 857 858 495 CLIV ~ age - g-- - - -