Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 60 Part 1.djvu/1135

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VIII Alaska Railroad: Authorization for certain expenditures_ Diesel locomotives, transfer to _______ Hatch Act (Political Activities), non- application of certain provisions to employees with respect to desig- nated activities ------- ____ _____ Maintenance, etc., funds available for-_ Printing and binding, appropriation for_ Retirement and disability fund, appro- priation for ----- ______________. Surplus materials, equipment, etc.; restriction ----------- _______.-- Albany, N. Y., proceeds of commemorative coinage, deposit in general fund of city ------------------ .. .-- ..---- Albuquerque, N. Mex., appropriation for education of Indians----- _ ___ __ __ __ Alcohol Plants, emergency production of sugars and sirups, time extension- _ - Alien Property Custodian. See also Trad- ing With the Enemy Act. Appropriation for --------- ______ 105, Patents, entitlement to benefits of cer- tain provisions of law ------ _____ Report to Congress on expenses _____ Aliens. See also Citizenship and Natural- ization. Arrest without warrant by employees of Immigration and Naturalization Service in certain cases ---- _____ Chinese alien wives of American citi- zens, immigration on nonquota basis --------------------------- Crews of foreign vessels of war, appro- priations available for designated expenses --- _- __- - ______._____- Deportation and exclusion, appropria- tion for -------- _-------------. Employment of. See Citizenship re- quirements, employees, under Gov- ernment Departments and Agen- cies. Enemy aliens- Deportation of, appropriation avail- able----.------------------- Detention, maintenance, etc., appro- priation for- Justice, Department of ---------- 4 Navy Department--__

_---_ 4 War Department --_- -- - -- _- - -- - 5 Patents, repeal of provisions respect- ing filing, etc., of applications__- 9 Philippine war damage claims, restric- tionon payment for_---------- 1 Temporary aid, appropriation for fis- cal year 1946, extension of availability--- _-- -- -- _-- -_ _-- - Pag 30 38 93 38 38; 64 38; 90( 19; 30( 604 944 601 S65 975 83 462 97 t62 482 65 44 30 12 e Aliens-Continued. 4 Enemy aliens-Continued. 3 Trade-marks, etc., repeal of provi- sions respecting registration -- __ Fiancees or fiances of veterans or mem- bers of U. S . armed forces, 7 admission to United States ______ 3 Foreign Service, Department of State, 3 alien clerks and employees, appoint- ments, etc --- ... .- -- _ 1004, 1011, 4 Migration to United States under au- thority of War Manpower Commis- 3 sion, reduction in appropriation-_ _ Philippine Islands- Nonquota status of certain citizens__ 3 Trainees, certain, entry into United States ----- _______________-- 3 Property, etc., return of. See under Trading With the Enemy Act. Vessels, war-built U. S ., sale to noncitizens of United States, con- dition--_________________ __- 4 All-American Canal: Construction, appropriation for -_ _ _ __ Lands watered by, preference rights to veteran settlers -------. -_ __ __ __ Allegany, N. Y., flood-protection project authorized..- --- --- __ __ __ __ __ -- - Allegheny River: Bridge authorized across, at- Tarentum, Pa. -New Kensington and Lower Burrel Township, Pa ___ Warren, Pa_____________ ________ - Flood-protection projects authorized___ Alley Dwelling Act, D. C .: Amendment, time extension ------- 319, Maintenance of properties under, ap- propriation for-----------___ ___. Transfer of authority to District of Co- lumbia Redevelopment Land Agency --------. . ....--------- Allowances, Military and Naval Personnel. See Pay Readjustment Act of 1942. Altamaha River Basin, flood-protection project authorized-------- _________ Alumina, production from low-grade baux- ite, aluminum clays, and alunite, re- duction in appropriation___________ Amazon Creek, Oreg., flood-protection project authorized --------------- Ambassadors and Ministers. See Foreign Service under State, Department of; Foreign Service Act of 1946. American Antarctic Association, Inc., transfer of naval vessel to; deposit of bond, etc.; return of vessel. -- -- -- - . 6 American Battle Monuments Commission: Appropriation for --- ________________ Appropriations authorized--- __- --- --- 3 Page 944 339 1017 7 148 139 43 368 37 649 892 874 649 73 801 11 650 655 62 318 INDEX