Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/913

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. March 1, 1945-May 1, 1945-Placement of candidates by the In- stitute of International Education. May 1, 1945 (earlier if possible)-Announcement of awards. June 1-June 15, 1945-Arrival of successful candidates in the United States. June 15, 1945-Orientation. (Date to be fixed in each case) - Commencement of formal studies. 8. Renewals. Renewal of fellowships will be considered through the regular program of the Institute of International Education for a limited number of persons who demonstrate high ability, provided funds are available for this purpose. 9. Other conditions. Candidates must obligate themselves to return to Peru on the conclusion of their studies. Fellowships may be revoked should any student demonstrate ina- bility to pursue the studies for which he has been brought to the United States. I will appreciate Your Excellency's acceptance of this program which I believe will undoubtedly contribute to foster the excellent relations that have always existed between our two countries. Please accept, Your Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. P. G. BELTrAN. His Excellency, EDWARD R. STINTrmus, Department of State, Washington, D. C . The Secretary of State to the Peruvian Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASIINGTON January4, 1945 ExCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your note of December Ant, p. 1594. 21, 1944, which refers to informal conversations which have been held by officers of the Department with Dr. Eduardo Garland, Minister- Counsellor of the Peruvian Embassy, regarding a Second Peruvian- United States Cooperative Fellowship Program and expresses the desire of the Peruvian Government, in view of the excellent results of the First Program, to undertake a similar agreement with the Gov- ernment of the United States. I have noted that it is proposed that the program cover fifteen (15) fellowships at the graduate level for study in the United States, ex- penses and responsibilities of which would be divided between the Peruvian Government and the Government of the United States, the latter having the cooperation of the Institute of International Edu- cation. The specific conditions governing the procedure for carrying out the program have been noted and this Government is in entire accord with them.