Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/728

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59 STAT.] IRELAND-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-FEB. 3 ,1945 ARTICLE 11 In the event either of the contracting parties considers it desir- fProviions for modi- able to modify the routes or conditions set forth in the attached Annex, it may request consultation between the competent author- ities of both contracting parties, such consultation to begin within a period of sixty days from the date of the request. In case the aforementioned authorities mutually agree on new or revised con- ditions affecting the Annex, their recommendations on the matter will come into effect after they have been confirmed by an exchange of diplomatic notes. ANNEX TO AIR TRANSPORT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND IRELAND A. Airlines of the United States authorized under the present agreement are accorded in the territory of Ireland rights of transit, non-traffic stop, and commercial entry for international traffic at Shannon airport (Foynes and Rineanna), on the follow- ing routes: The United States to Ireland and countries beyond, via intermediate points; in both directions. It is agreed that in view of the long transoceanic flight necessary on the above routes, and considering the still limited development of aeronautical science, all eastbound aircraft on routes covered in this Annex shall stop at Shannon airport as first European port of call and all westbound aircraft on the same routes shall stop at Shannon airport. B. Airlines of Ireland authorized under the present agreement are accorded in the territory of the United States rights of transit, non-traffic stop and commercial entry for international traffic at specific airports in connection with such route or routes as may be determined at a later date. C. Aircraft of either contracting party availing itself of the non-traffic stops granted by this agreement may be required by the other contracting party to offer reasonable commercial services in passengers, cargo and mail, both outward and inward. You will, of course, understand that this agreement may be affected by subsequent legislation enacted by the Congress of the United States. I shall be glad to have you inform me whether it is the understanding of your Government that the terms of the agreement resulting from the negotiations are as above set forth. If so, it is suggested that February 15, 1945 become the effective date. If your Government Effective date. 1405