Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/717

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. Trrrm II Composition and Personnel ARTCLEx 6. This Mission shall consist of such number of personnel of the United States Army as may be agreed upon by the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Guatemala through his authorized representa- tive in Washington and by the War Department of the United States of America. The individ- uals to be assigned shall be those agreed upon by the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Guatemala or his authorized representative and by the War Department of the United States or its authorized representative. TLEm III Duties, Rank and Precedence AnrrciE 7. Prior to inception of operations by the Mission un- der this Agreement, a tentative program for the Mission will be informally agreed upon between the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Guatemala and representatives of the United States War and State Depart- ments. Any changes in this pro- gram which experience may dem- onstrate to be desirable shall be similarly agreed upon. The Mis- sion shall carry out such duties as may be determined in pursuance of this Article and such other du- ties consistent with the purposes of this Agreement as set forth in Article 1 as may be assigned by the Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Guatemala. The members of the Mission shall be responsible directly to the Min- TiTrLO II Organizaci6ny Personal arTicULr 6. Esta Misi6n cons- tara del personal del Ejercito de los Estados Unidos que convengan el Ministro de la Defensa Nacional de la Repfiblica de Guatemala, por conducto de su representante au- torizado en Washington, y la Secretaria de Guerra de los Esta- dos Unidos de America. Los oficiales que se asignen seran los que determinen por mutuo acuerdo el Ministro de la Defensa Nacional de la Republica de Guatemala o su representante autorizado y la Sec- retaria de Guerra de los Estados Unidos o su representante auto- rizado. TirTLO III Deberes, Rango y Precedencia ARTiCuiL 7. Antes que la Mi- si6n de comienzo a sus funciones de conformidad con este Acuerdo, el Ministro de la Defensa Nacional de la Repfiblica de Guatemala y representantes de las Secretarfas de Guerra y Estado de los Estados Unidos convendran extraoficial- mente en un programa tentative para la Misi6n. En forma simi- lar se determinaran cualesquier cambios en este programa que la experiencia demuestre que son convenientes. La Misi6n desem- pefiara los deberes que se deter- minen en cumplimiento de este Articulo y cualesquiera otros deberes consistentes con los prop6- sitos de este Acuerdo, segfn se expresan en el Articulo 1, que le asigne el Ministro de la Defensa Nacional de la Repiblica de Gua- temala. Los miembros de la 1394