Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/681

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59 STAT.] CANADA-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-FEB. 17, 1945 The service on the route between Buffalo and Toronto may, at the election of the United States Government, be rendered by two airlines. On the other routes service by a single airline only will be authorized. In addition to the routes listed above, airlines of United States registry will be authorized to stop in Windsor on any route on which they are now or in the future may be authorized by the United States Government to serve Detroit. B. The airlines designated by the Government of Canada may operate on the following routes, with the right to take on and put down passengers, mail and cargo at the United States terminals specified: Halifax - Boston Toronto - New York Toronto - Cleveland Toronto - Chicago (No stop will be made on this route at any Canadian point within forty miles of Detroit.) Port Arthur - Duluth Victoria - Seattle Whitehorse - Fairbanks. A single airline will be authorized for each of the foregoing routes. With respect to the routes between Toronto and Cleveland and Toronto and Chicago no through services will be operated from either point in the United States to points lying beyond the territorial limits of Canada. In addition to the routes listed above, airlines of Canadian registry will be authorized to stop in Detroit on any route on which they are now or in the future may be authorized by the Canadian Government to serve Windsor. If these proposals are acceptable to the Government of the United States of America, this note, and your reply thereto accepting the proposals, shall be regarded as placing on record the understanding arrived at between the two Governments concerning this matter. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration. LB PEARSON The Honourable JOSEPH C. GREw, Acting Secretary of State of the United States, Washington, D. C . The Acting Secretary of State to the CanadianAmbassador DEPABrmENT OF STATE WASHINGTON February 17, 1945 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge your note No. 46 of February 17, Afte, p-1 353 1945, in which you propose that an agreement be entered into between 1357