Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/586

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TREATIES through its canal system and the 3 San Juan River, for use in the c United States during periods of i drought and after satisfying the r needs of Mexican users, any excess c water that does not in the opinion 1 of the Mexican Section have to be i stored and that may be needed for c the irrigation of lands which were I under irrigation during the year i 1943 in the Lower Rio Grande t Valley in the United States. I ARTICLE 27 The provisions of Article 10, 11, and 15 of this Treaty shall not be applied during a period of five years from the date of the entry into force of this Treaty, or until the Davis dam and the major Mexican diversion structure on the Colorado River are placed in operation, should these works be placed in operation prior to the expiration of said period. In the meantime Mexico may construct and operate at its expense a tem- porary diversion structure in the bed of the Colorado River in ter- ritory of the United States for the purpose of diverting water into the Alamo Canal, provided that the plans for such structure and the construction and operation thereof shall be subject to the the approval of the United States Section. During this period of time the United States will make available in the river at such diversion structure river flow not currently required in the United States, and the United States will cooperate with Mexico to the end that the latter may satisfy its irrigation requirements within the limits of those requirements for lands irri- r conducir£ por su sistema de canales y el rio San Juan, para su iso en los Estados Unidos, du- rante los periodos de sequfa y lespu6s de haber satisfecho todos os requerimientos de los usuarios nexicanos, aquellas aguas exce- lentes que, a juicio de la Secci6n Mexicana no necesiten almace- larse, para ayudar al riego de las tierras que, en el afo de 1943, se regaban, en el citado valle del Bajo Rio Bravo (Grande) en los Estados Unidos. ARTICULO 27 Durante un lapso de cinco aflos, contados a partir de la fecha en que principie la vigencia de este Tratado, o hasta que puestas en operaci6n la Presa Davis y la estructura mexicana principal de derivaci6n en el rio Colorado, si se ponen en operaci6n estas obras antes de aquel plazo, no se apli- caran los Articulos 10, 11 y 15 de este Tratado y, mientras tanto, Mexico podrA construir y operar a sus expensas, en territorio de los Estados Unidos, una estructura de derivaci6n provisional en el lecho del rio Colorado, destinada a deri- var agua hacia el canal del Alamo; en la inteligencia de que los pianos para dicha estructura, su construc- ci6n y operaci6n quedarAn sujetos a la aprobaci6n de la Secci6n de los Estados Unidos. Durante el mismo periodo los Estados Unidos pondran a disposici6n de M6xico en el lugar del rio en que se con- struya dicha estructura, los cau- dales que a la saz6n no se requieran en los Estados Unidos y ofrecen cooperar con M6xico a fin de que 6ste pueda satisfacer sus necesi- dades de riego, dentro de los limites que tuvieron esas necesi- Restriction on ap- plication of designated provisions. Colorado River. Construction of tem- porary diversion struc- ture. 1260 [59 STAT.