Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/568

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TREATIES do River between Imperial Dam and the Gulf of California, in both the United States and Mexico, and shall, in a Minute, report to the two Governments the works which should be built, the estimated cost thereof, and the part of the works to be constructed by each Gov- ernment. The two Governments agree to construct, through their respective Sections of the Com- mission, such works as may be rec- ommended by the Commission and approved by the two Governments, each Government to pay the costs of the works constructed by it. The Commission shall likewise rec- ommend the parts of the works to be operated and maintained jointly by the Commission and the parts to be operated and maintained by each Section.. The two Govern- ments agree to pay in equal shares the cost of joint operation and maintenance, and each Govern- ment agrees to pay the cost of operation and maintenance of the works assigned to it for such purpose. ARTICLE 14 In consideration of the use of the All-American Canal for the deliv- ery to Mexico, in the manner pro- vided in Articles 11 and 15 of this Treaty, of a part of its allotment of the waters of the Colorado River, Mexico shall pay to the United States: (a) A proportion of the costs actually incurred in the construc- tion of Imperial Dam and the Imperial Dam-Pilot Knob section of the All-American Canal, this proportion and the method and terms of repayment to be deter- mined by the two Governments, which, for this purpose, shall take into consideration the propor- el Bajo Rio Colorado, tanto en los Estados Unidos como en M6xico, desde la Presa Imperial hasta el Golfo de California, e informara a los dos Gobiernos, mediante un acta, acerca de las obras que de- beran construirse, de la estimaci6n de sus costos y de la parte de las obras que deber£ construir cada Gobierno. Los dos Gobiernos con- vienen en construir, por medio de sus respectivas Secciones de la Comisi6n, las obras que aprueben, recomendadas por la Comisi6n, y en pagar los costos de las que res- pectivamente construyan. De la misma manera, la Comisi6n re- comendara qu6 porciones de las obras deber&n ser operadas y mantenidas conjuntamente por la Comisi6n y cuales operadas y mantenidas por cada Secci6n. Los dos Gobiernos convienen en pagar por partes iguales el costo de la operaci6n y mantenimiento con- juntos, y cada Gobierno conviene en pagar el costo de operaci6n y mantenimiento de las obras asig- nadas a 61 con dicho objeto. ARTICULO 14 En consideraci6n del uso del Canal Todo Americano para la entrega a M6xico, en la forma establecida en los Articulos 11 y 15 de este Tratado, de una parte de su asignaci6n a las aguas del rio Colorado, M6xico pagara a los Estados Unidos: a) Una parte de los costos reales de la construcci6n de la Presa Imperial y del tramo Impe- rial-Pilot Knob del Canal Todo Americano; dicha parte y la forma y t6rminos de su pago seran determinados por los dos Gobier- nos, tomando en consideraci6n la proporci6n en que ambos paises usaran las citadas obras. Esta Use of All-American Canal. Payment by Mexi- co. Ante, p. 1238; poat, p. 1243 . 1242 [59 STAT.