Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/561

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Feb. 3, 1944 59 STAT.J MEXICO-WATER UTILIZATION-Nov. 141944 (e) The Commission shall have the power to authorize tem- porary diversion and use by one country of water belonging to the other, when the latter does not need it or is unable to use it, provided that such authorization or the use of such water shall not establish any right to continue to divert it. (f) In case of the occurrence of an extraordinary drought in one country with an abundant supply of water in the other country, water stored in the international storage reservoirs and belonging to the country enjoying such abun- dant water supply may be with- drawn, with the consent of the Commission, for the use of the country undergoing the drought. (g) Each country shall have the right to divert from the main channel of the river any amount of water, including the water belonging to the other country, for the purpose of generating hydro-electric power, provided that such diversion causes no injury to the other country and does not interfere with the in- ternational generation of power and that the quantities not re- turning directly to the river are charged against the share of the country making the diversion. The feasibility of such diversions not existing on the date this Treaty enters into force shall be determined by the Commission, which shall also determine the amount of water consumed, such water to be charged against the country making the diversion. (h) In case either of the two countries shall construct works for diverting into the main channel of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) or its tributaries waters that do not at the time this Treaty enters into e) La Comisi6n podra autonzar la derivaci6n y uso transitorios a favor de un pais de aguas que pertenezcan al otro, cuando 6ste no las necesite o no las pueda utilizar y sin que dicha autoriza- ci6n o el uso de las citadas aguas establezca, con relaci6n a las mismas, ningun derecho para con- tinuar derivandolas. f) En los casos en que concurra una extraordinaria sequ4a en un pais con un abundante abaste- cimiento de agua en el otro pals, el agua de este almacenada en los vasos de almacenamiento inter- nacionales podra ser extraida, con el consentimiento de la Comisi6n, para uso del pais que experimente la sequfa. g) Cada uno de los palses ten- dra el derecho de derivar del cauce principal del rio cualquiera cantidad de agua, incluyendo el agua perteneciente al otro pals, con el objeto de generar energia hidroelectrica, siempre que tal derivaci6n no cauce perjuicio al otro pais, no interfiera con la generaci6n internacional de en- ergia electrica y que los voldmenes que no retornen directamente al rio sean cargados a la participa- ci6n del pals que hizo la deriva- ci6n. La factibilidad de dichas derivaciones, que no existan al entrar en vigor este Tratado, sera determinada por la Comisi6n, la que tambi6n fijara la cantidad de agua consumida que se cargari en cuenta de la participaci6n del pafs que efectde la derivaci6n. h) En el case de que cualquiera de los dos paises construya obras para derivar, hacia el cauce prin- cipal del rio Bravo (Grande) o de sus tributaries, aguas que no con- tribuyan, en la fecha en que este 1235