Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/339

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59 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-SANITARY AERIAL NAVIGATION-JAN. 5, 1945 ARTICLE XIII Articles 39 to 46 inclusive shall be deleted.* ARTICLE XIV Article 47 shall be deleted, and the following substituted: (1) In territories in which yel- low fever does not exist, but in which there may be conditions which permit of its development: (a) authorized aerodromes shall conform to the requirements set forth in Article 38 of the 1933 Convention as hereby amended; (b) upon arrival at the first aerodrome of call aircraft which have proceeded from endemic yellow fever areas shall be disinsected. (2) All persons traveling by air from an endemic yellow fever area to one in which yellow fever does not exist but in which there may be conditions which permit of its development, shall be dealt with in the following manner, at the first stopping place in the latter area: (a) if they are in possession of a valid anti-yellow fever in- oculation certificate they shall be allowed to proceed without any quarantine re- strictions with respect to yellow fever;

  • In view of the deletion of Article 40,

compliance with the requirements of Article 38 as amended shall no longer cause aerodromes situated in an endemic yellow fever area to be regarded as "antiamaril aerodromes" and separate local areas. Passengers landing at such aerodromes shall submit to the measures laid down in Article 38 as required. ARTICLE XIII Les Articles 39 d 46 inclusive- ment sont supprimes. * ARTICLE XIV A l'Article 47 substituer ce qui suit: 49 Stat. 3297 -3299 . 49 Stat. 3300. Uninfected regions, (1) Dans les territoires oh la but possibleofdevel- fievre jaune n'existe pas, mais oh opment. les conditions pourraient en per- mettre le developpement: (a) les a6rodromes autorises de- vront se conformerauxpres- criptions de l'Article 38 de 49 Stat 3296. la Convention de 1933, telle qu'elle a 6et modifide par la pr6sente Convention; (b) a l'arriv6e au premier aero- drome, les a6ronefs pro- venant d'une zone d'ende- micit6 de la fievre jaune seront d6sinsectises. (2) Toute personne faisant par voie a6rienne un voyage d'une zone d'endemicit6 de la fievre jaune vers une autre zone ofh la fievre jaune n'existe pas, mais oh les conditions pourraient en per- mettre le d6veloppement, sera traitee de la facon suivante au premier point d'arret dans cette autre zone: (a) si elle est en possession d'un certificat valable de vaccina- tion contre la fievre jaune, elle sera autoris6e a con- tinuer son voyage sans subir les restrictions de quaran- taine concernant la fievre jaune;

  • Par suite de la suppression de

1'Article 40, l'application des prescrip- tions de 1'Article 38, modifi6, n'aura plus pour effet de faire considerer les aerodromes situes dans une zone d'end- micit6 de la fievre jaune comme "aero- dromes antiamaril" et comme zones separees. Les passagers atterrissant A ces aerodromes seront soumis aux mesures definies a l'Article 38, selon les necessites du cas.