Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/327

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59 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-SANITARY AERIAL NAVIGATION-JAN . 5 , 1945 frontiers of epidemic or other communicable diseases; Have decided to conclude a Convention for these purposes, have agreed that, whereas the authentic text of the 1933 Con- vention is in the French language, the present Convention shall be in English and in French, both texts being equally authentic, and have accordingly appointed the under- signed plenipotentiaries who, having communicated their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed that the 1933 Convention shall be amended as follows: ARTICLE I All references in the 1933 Con- vention to the International Office of Public Health shall be read as references to UNRRA. ARTICLE II The second paragraphof Article 1, subparagraph VI, shall be deleted and the following sub- stituted: The word surveillance means that persons are not isolated, that they may move about freely, but that the sanitary authorities of the place or places to which they are proceeding are notified of their coming. They may be subjected in the places of arrival to a medical examination and such inquiries as are necessary with a view to ascertaining their state of health; and, in any territory where the competent Contracting Party thinks fit, surveillance may in- clude requirement to report on arrival and afterwards at such intervals during continuance of surveillance as may be specified, to tion des maladies 4pidemiques ou autres maladies contagieuses par la voie des airs A travers les frontieres; Ont decide de conclure une Convention a cette fin, sont con- venus que, alors que le texte authentique de la Convention de 1933 est redig6 en langue francaise, la presente Convention sera redi- gee en anglais et en francais, les deux textes faisant 4galement foi, et ont en consequence designe les plenipotentiaires soussignes qui, s'etant communique leurs pleins pouvoirs, trouves en bonne et due forme, sont convenus que la Con- vention sanitaire internationale de 1933 sera modifiee ainsi qu'il suit: ARTICLE I Toute reference a l'Office inter- national d'Hygiene publique con- tenue dans la Convention de 1933 sera consideree comme une refe- rence a I'UNRRA. ARTICLE II Au deuxieme paragraphede l'Ar- ticle ler, alinea VI, substituer ce qui suit: Le mot surveillance signifie que les personnes ne sont pas isolees, qu'elles obtiennent tout de suite la libre pratique, mais que l'auto- rite sanitaire de la localit6 ou des localites oil elles se rendent est pr6venue de leur arrivee. Elles pourront 8tre soumises au lieu d'arrivee A un examen medical, et l'on pourra leur poser les questions necessaires a la constatation de leur etat de sante. Dans tout territoire oi la Partie Contrac- tante competente le juge neces- saire, la surveillance peut com- prendre l'obligation de se presen- ter, lors de l'arrivee, et ensuite Aintervalles fixes pendant la dur6e UNRRA; 49 Stat. 3280. "Surveillance.' 993