Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/267

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TREATIES ARTICLE 22. Adherence to quotas. Deficiency in quota. Redistribution. Cases of special hardship. Each Contracting Government to which an export quota has been or may be allotted undertakes to ensure that net exports from its territories to the free market for any given quota year shall not exceed the export quota in force for it in that year under the provisions of the present Agreement. ARTICLE 23. If in any year of the Agreement a Contracting Government should not export its quota or any part of it, it shall not thereby acquire any right to an increase of its quota in the following year. Nevertheless, if the Government of Czechoslovakia proves to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee that, owing to a low or high water level or the presence of ice on the Elbe, Czechoslovakia has been unable to export her full quota in any quota year, the Czecho- slovak Government may be permitted to export the deficiency during the first three months of the next quota year, in addition to her quota for that year. ARTICLE 24. (a) Each Contracting Government shall notify the Council, as soon as possible, if it does not propose to make use of its export quota, or any part of it, in any quota year, so that the quantities which will not be used may be redistributed (i) among the other Contracting Governments which notify the Council that they are in a position to use them and (ii) to the reserve quota. Subject to paragraph (b) below, this redistribution shall be made pro rata according to the basic quotas. (b) The Council shall in any given quota year have power to use up to 25 per cent. of the quotas available for redistribution or up to 50,000 metric tons of such quotas, whichever shall be the larger amount, to meet proved cases of special hardship. Nevertheless, if in a particular year the amount available for redistribution should be less than 30,000 tons, the Council shall have power, should a proved case of special hardship arise, to allot to meet the necessities of that case an amount up to 30,000 tons. The excess of this amount over the amount available for redistribution shall constitute an increase of the supplies to the free market and the quotas of other Contracting Governments shall not be affected. (c) The Governments of the following countries have given notice that during the quota year beginning on the 1st September, 1937, they will not make use of the parts of their export quotas herein indicated:- Belgium . . . . . .......... Germany .. . . . .......... Hungary .. . . . .......... Poland .. . . . ........ U.S.S .R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tons. .. . . 5,000 . 70,000 . 20, 000 . 20,000 .. .. 11,500 [59 STAT. 932