Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1133

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. "Que cualquiera preferencia arancelaria, de esta indole, para constituir un instrumento destinado a fomentar firmemente el comercio, deberia ser hecha efectiva por acuerdos comerciales que incluyan reducciones o exenciones arancelarias; "Que las partes contratantes deben reservarse el derecho de reducir o eliminar los derechos aduaneros a las importaciones similares de otros paises; y "Que tales preferencias arancelarias regionales no deben impedir ningdn amplio programa de reconstrucci6n econ6mica que contem- ple la reducci6n de aranceles y la reducci6n o eliminaci6n de preferencias tarifarias y otras preferencias comerciales con el prop6- sito de lograr el mas amplio desarrollo del comercio internacional sobre una base multilateral e incondicional de la naci6n mas favorecida". Ruego a Vuestra Excelencia aceptar las seguridades de mi mas elevada y distinguida consideraci6n, ALBERTO LLERBA A Su Excelencia el Senor JOHN C. WILEY, Embajador Extraordinarioy Ministro Plenipotenciariode los Estados Unidos de America. Presente. Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS CM. 415.- Bogotd, April 17, 1945 MR. AMBASSADOR: With reference to the contractual formula for preferential tariffs between contiguous or neighboring countries, contemplated in Res- Stle Prbl icnat o' olution Number LXXX of the Seventh Inter-American Conference, ap- 666. proved December 24, 1933, as well as in the Recommendation adopted by the Inter-American Financial and Economic Advisory Committee September 18, 1941, I have the honor to make the following statement to Your Excellency: In Article 5 of the Treaty of Commerce between Colombia and Ecuador of July 6, 1942- which with its Additional Convention of October 14, 1943 was approved by the National Congress according to Law 103 of 1944-, the entry into Colombia is permitted, free of import duties, of certain products originating in and coming from Ecuador, as itemized in a list. However, since Article VII of the Trade Agreement between Colom- 49 stat. 39 bia and the United States, signed September 13, 1935, provides that each of the two countries shall grant the other unconditional and un- restricted most-favored-nation treatment in all customs matters, I very respectfully request Your Excellency to inform me whether the Government of the United States would agree not to resort to this