Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1031

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1714 Currency payments; use of Rumanian in- dustries, etc. Use of Rumanian merchant vessels. Post, p. 1716. Reparations. Post, p. 1716 . Return of certain valuables. Restoration of legal rights and property. Persons accused of war crimes. Dissolutionof fascist organizations. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. the moment of the transfer of this property to the Allied (Soviet) High Command. 10. The Rumanian Government must make regular payments in Rumanian currency required by the Allied (Soviet) High Command for the fulfillment of its functions and will in case of need ensure the use on Rumanian territory of industrial and transportation enter- prises, means of communication, power stations, enterprises and instal- lations of public utility, stores of fuel, fuel oil, food and other materials, services in accordance with instructions issued by the Allied (Soviet) High Command. Rumanian merchant vessels, whether in Rumanian or foreign waters, shall be subject to the operational control of the Allied (Soviet) High Command for use in the general interest of the Allies. (See Annex to Article 10.) 11. Losses caused to the Soviet Union by military operations and by the occupation by Rumania of Soviet territory will be made good by Rumania to the Soviet Union, but, taking into consideration that Rumania has not only withdrawn from the war, but has declared war and in fact is waging war against Germany and Hungary, the Parties agree that compensation for the indicated losses will be made by Rumania not in full but only in part, namely to the amount of 300 million United States dollars payable over six years in cdmmodi- ties (oil-products, grain, timber products, seagoing and river craft, sundry machinery, et cetera.) Compensation will be paid by Rumania for losses caused to the property of other Allied States and their nationals in Rumania during the war, the amount of compensation to be fixed at a later date. (See Annex to Article 11.) 12. The Rumanian Government undertakes within the periods indicated by the Allied (Soviet) High Command to return to the Soviet Union in complete good order all valuables and materials removed from its territory during the war, belonging to State, public and cooperative organizations, enterprises, institutions or individual citizens, such as: factory and works equipment, locomotives, rail- way trucks, tractors, motor vehicles, historic monuments, museum valuables and any other property. 13. The Rumanian Government undertakes to restore all legal rights and interests of the United Nations and their nationals on Rumanian territory as they existed before the war and to return their property in complete good order. 14. The Rumanian Government and High Command undertake to collaborate with the Allied (Soviet) High Command in the appre- hension and trial of persons accused of war crimes. 15. The Rumanian Government undertakes immediately to dis- solve all pro-Hitler organizations (of a Fascist type) situated in Rumanian territory, whether political, military or para-military, as well as other organizations conducting propaganda hostile to the United Nations, in particular to the Soviet Union, and will not in future permit the existence of organizations of that nature.