Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/698

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1618 Union Railway Company (Memphis, Tenn.) and Employees, creation of emergency board to investigate dis- pute, proclamation__- -- - -- - - -- - -- - United Kingdom. See Great Britain. United States Court for China, payment to certain former employees -- _ --- Upper Columbia River Basin, agreement with Canada----- ---------------- Uruguay: Agreement respecting health and sani- tation program------------------ Convention respecting Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences- _ Utley, Freda, waiver of certain immigra- tion provisions -------- ____----- V Vanderhoef, Allan, payment to--------. Vanderhoef, Mrs. Harriett W. , payment to------------------------------ Vaughn, Mrs. Mamie Dutch, payment to_ Venezuela: Agreements respecting- Health and sanitation program___-- Military aviation mission ----...... Rubber production ------------ ___- Veterans' Rights and Benefits, printing of pamphlet as document _ --- --_ Virgin Islands, registration of certain male persons who are noncitizens of U. S., proclamation-------......... Voorhies, P. J . (Lt.) , payment to-------- Vullo, Mrs. Mary, payment to--------- W Wade Brothers, payment to -----. __. - Walker, Henry Clay, consideration of dis- ability claim ----------- -- __-__ ._- Walker, Joseph Langhorne, appointment on Navy retired list------------- War and Postwar Adjustment Policy, printing of report as Senate docu- ment------------.- __- ___ ___ __- - War Program, investigation of operation of, printing of additional copies of Senate report -----------........- Washington Asphalt Company, payment to --------------................ Watson, Mrs. William M., payment to--- Watt, Miss Anne, payment to---------- Weakley, John, jurisdiction of Court to hear claim - __-- ------------ _-___ INDEX Page 1153 1086 1236 1434 1169 1021 1094 1094 1061 1446 1225 1572 1118 1150 1044 1058 951 1088 973 1114 1114 1075 1078 1081 1035 Page Weaver, Albert B., payment to---------- 1102 Webber, K. E . (Col.), credit in accounts-- 1066 Weber, William, payment to..--------- 1099 Weinert, Herman, Jr. (Dr.), payment to_- 1082 Wenz, Christian, payment to------------ 982 Wesix Electric Heater Company, pay- ment to------------------------- 1020 Weston, Jennie I., payment to adminis- trator of estate of ---------------- 948 Whaley, P. Audley, reimbursement for fire losses------------------------- 999 Whiddon, Robert L., payment to-------- 1090 Whipple, LaVerne, payment to ---------- 1096 Whitcombe, L . V., c redit in accounts.__. - 996 White, Charles F., authorization for issu- ance of patent in fee to certain land-- 1092 White, Henry, admission for permanent residence _----------------------_ 1024 White, Paul H. , payment to------------ 1020 Whitlock, Claude R. , cr edit in accounts__ 993 William J. Burns International Detective Agency, payment to ------------- 940 Williams, A. H ., credit in accounts ------ 996 Williams, James W., payment to-------- 990 Wilson, Carl F. R ., consideration of dis- ability claim---------------------- 965 Wilson, James, payment to------------- 1030 Winsch, Mrs. Ruby, payment to-------- 1085 Winston-Salem Southbound Railway Com- pany, payment to----------------- 1028 Wisconsin Electric Power Company, pay- ment to ------------------------- 939 Wolf, Ludwig, consideration of disability claim ---------------------------- 1090 Wolters, Mrs. Agnes, payment to------- 1073 Wong Nyok Dong, payment to---------- 1087 Woods, W. O ., credit in accounts-------- 997 Wylie, Alex, payment to--------------- 1057 Wyse, Arthur B. (Dr.) , payment to de- pendents of ---------------------- 970 Y Yarbrough, Margaret Carrie, payment to. 986 Yellow Cab Transit Company, payment to_ 1044 Z Zee Yang Ling, payment to------------- 1087 Zee Yung Zai, payment to----------_ _ _ _ 1087 Ziegele, John N., settlement of claim - ..- 1010 Zielinski, Richard, payment to legal guard- ian of---.----------------------- 961 Zukas, Mrs. Anna, payment to--------- 1084 0