Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/690

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1610 Guatemala: Agreements respecting- Agricultural experiment station --- . Detail of military officer-- __- - -- - - - Exchange of official publications ---- Convention respecting Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences__ Gue Young Kong, payment to -------- Gnidoni, Josephine, payment to-------- Gullo, Leo, payment to --------------- H Haag, William A., consideration of dis- ability claim ------------------ Haas, Jack Lecel, discharge from Navy__ Hadley, John A., relief from financial lia- bility for certain excess or erroneous payments------------------------ Haiti: Agreements respecting- Finances--..- ----- ---- ---- ---- ---- Health and sanitation program ----- Hale, Clarence P., Jr., payment to ----- Halverson, Helen, payment to -------- Hamilton, Margaret, payment to-------- Hampton, Mildred B., payment to ----. Hansen, Mrs. Christine, payment to----- Harcrow, Lindsey, payment to------- Harris, M. H., payment to------------- Harris, Robert C., payment to---------- Hart, Joel A., payment to ------------ Hatch, Raymond B. (Col.), credit in ac- counts----------------------- Hawaii: Fishery rights in Pearl Harbor, pay- ments to holders--------------- Martial law in, termination of, proc- lamation-------. Hawke, Elsie, payment to -- --------- Hawkins, Nelson, payment to adminis- trator of estate of------------------ Hayes, Walter Eugene, payment to------ Haynes, J. M., credit in accounts ------- Health and Sanitation Program: Agreements with- Bolivia ------------- _-_-------__ Haiti ----------------- -- -- Panama --------------

Paraguay --------



Uruguay------------------------ Venezuela

_____- Hearldson, Ollie Brashear, payment to - - Hearn, Harry V., payment to -. -- -- - -- - Held, Edward E., payment to--------- Held, Mary Jane, payment to--------- Henderson, Frances Nell, payment to --- Henderson, Frank, payment to --------- INDEX Page 1429 1223 1362 1169 1087 1015 964 953 958 1039 1541 1439 1006 1045 985 1004 975 1072 1002 990 1059 1066 992 1158 1081 1013 978 996 1568 1439 1451 1495 1543 1434 144( 1101 107E 1007 1007 1026 102f Hennig, William H. (Lt. Col.), extension of assignment as Director of Poly- teohnic School of Guatemala-------- Henson, Matthew A., presentation of medal to----------------------- Hertz, Mary, payment to--------------- Hickey, Joseph J. (Maj.), payment to --- Higginbotham, H. H., relief from financial liability for certain excess or erroneous payments----------------------- Higgins, Mrs. Catherine, payment to -_- Highways. See Inter-American Highway; Trans-Isthmian Highway. Hill, Lillian, payment to--------------- Hirsch, John, payment to ------------ Hobbs, Kelly, payment to ------- _-- Holcomb, Eugene, payment to legal guardian of--------------------- _ Holcomb, Thomas (Lt. Gen.), presentation of medal to----------------------- Holehan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, payment to---------------------------- Holliday, Stephen, confirmation of title to certain lands------------------ Holm, Lempi K., reimbursement for fire losses--------------------------- Holmes, F. A., credit in accounts ------- Honduras: Education, cooperative, agreement -- Inter-American Institute of Agricul- tural Sciences, convention ------ Hoover, Charles R. (Dr.), payment to dependents of__ -------_ --------- House of Representatives. See Congress. Hoyt, Walter A. (Dr.), payment to --- _-- Hull, Cordell, Bust of, acceptance by Con- gress and placement in Capitol------- Hume, P. B., payment to ----- _- -- -- .. -- Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Cicero B., payment to- Hunter, Fred, payment to .-.. __.- -_ Hurley, Mary, payment to. -------- --- Hurwitz, Pearl Salevltz, payment to- .._ I I Am An American Day, 1944, proclama- tion ------------------------ __ Iceland, agreement respecting defense - -- Icelandic Althing, congratulations of Con- gress to_------------___-__--__-__ Immigration Quota for Chinese, procla- mation ----- _----_--__------__-- Inauguration of the President-Elect, joint committee on arrangements ------. _ Income Tax Act of 1944, Individual, print- ing of House document containing analysis of ------ ___--__-.-___- - India, agreement respecting jurisdiction over criminal offenses by members of armed forces ----- .------------ --- 1199 Page 1223 935 1021 1066 1040 985 1077 984 1088 995 951 977 1036 1024 996 1589 1169 970 969 1119 972 1035 957 1029 1074 1128 1455 1117 1125 1117 1117