Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/639

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8 STAT.] MEXICO-FISHERIES MISSION-Apr. 17, May 22, July 22, 27, Oct. 24,1942 1559 Sept. 7, Oct. 18, 1944 by the Department of Fisheries to carry out the permanent program to be developed during the two year cooperative study and the recommendations made at its conclusion); (2) provide a suitable motor truck to be used exclusively for field work and bear the expense of its operation and maintenance; and (3) provide the office and laboratory facilities at Patzcuaro which have previously been made available, and provide the necessary field and laboratory equipment for Mr. Smyth and the Mexican personnel assigned to the program. It is understood that all expenses incident to the obligations assumed Expens by the Government of Mexico will be paid direct by that Government. The Mexican Ministry of ForeignAffairs to the American Embasey SECRETARIA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS MEXICO 5581 MEMORANDUM Con referencia a la correspondencia relativa a la permanencia en Mexico de los tecnicos norteamericanos, sefores Milton J. Lindner y J. Adger Smyth, la Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores se complace en hacer del conocimiento de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos de America quo la Secretaria de Marina recientemente le ha comunicado el siguiente juicio acerca de la labor que han venido desarrollando en el pais los citados expertos: "Por el resultado obtenido de manera elocuente y palpable, la colaboraci6n que han venido prestando al Departamento de Pesca e Industrias Conexas los senores Milton J. Lindner y J. Adger Smyth es considerada como no solamente estimable sino positivamente util para el eficiente desarrollo de las funciones que en materia de pesca cumple la mencionada Dependencia de esta Secretaria y, ademas, para impulsar tecnicamente la industria pesquera del pals." En tal virtud, el Gobierno de Mexico agradecera que el de los Estados Unidos de America de los pasos necesarios a efecto de que los sefiores Lindner y Smyth puedan reanudar en el pais el desempefio de la comisi6n que, desde hace algin tiempo, tienen encomendada. MExico, D.F., a 22 de julio de 1942. Translation by the Department of State of the ForegoingMemorandum MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS UNITED MEXICAN STATES MEXICO 65981 MEMORANDUM With reference to the correspondence relative to the stay in Mexico of the American experts, Messrs. Milton J. Lindner and J. Adger Smyth, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes pleasure in informing the Embassy of the United States of America that the Ministry of Marine recently communicated to it the following opinion concerning