Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 2.djvu/637

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58 STAT.] MEXICO-FISHERIES MISSION- A Pr. 17, May 22, July 22, 27, Oct. 24, 1942 Sept. 7, Oct. 18, 1944 The American Ambassador to the Mexican Ministerfor ForeignAffairs 1557 EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mexico, D.F ., May 22, 1942 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to my note No. 138 of April 17, 1942, regarding the assignment to Mexico of Mr. Milton J. Lindner of the Fish and Wildlife Service of the United States Department of the Interior, as well as to correspondence regarding the assignment to Mexico of Mr. J . Adger Smyth, also of the Fish and Wildlife Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It will be recalled that in my note No. 138, I had the honor to sub- mit to Your Excellency a proposed memorandum agreement covering the suggested organization of cooperative work with reference to Mr. Lindner. Pursuant to instructions from my Government, I now have the honor to submit a proposed memorandum covering agreement for cooperative work with particular reference to the limnological serv- ices to be rendered by Mr. Smyth, with the same general conditions applying in his case as in the case of Mr. Lindner. My Government has suggested that in the event Your Excellency's Government finds this memorandum acceptable, Your Excellency's reply to that effect might constitute full agreement without the necessity of exchanging signed memoranda. Inasmuch as Mr. Smyth's assignment under Public No. 63, 76th Congress of the United States of America has expired, my Government has directed me to request of Your Excellency the views of the Government of Mexico at the earliest possible and convenient moment. Please accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. GEORGE S. MESSERSMITH Enclosure: Memorandum as stated. His Excellency Sefior Licenciado EZEQUIEL PADILLA Ministerfor Foreign Relations Mexico, D.F. MEMORANDUM AGREEMENT At the request of the Mexican Government, Mr. J . Adger Smyth, an employee of the Fish and Wildlife Service of the United States Department of the Interior, was assigned to Mexico for a period of one year beginning in April, 1941, for the purpose of providing assistance in the conduct of preliminary biological surveys of streams and lakes and to provide technical advice in the operation of fish hatcheries and the artificial restocking of interior waters with fresh-water fishes. Considering that the period of Mr. Smyth's assignment has expired, the Fish and Wildlife Service now proposes to cooperate with the Mexican Department of Fisheries in the execution of a more compre- 93650'-- -4 5 --T. u- --0 Ante, p. 1554. Submission of pro- posed memorandum agreement with refer- ence to limnological services. 53 Stat. 652 . 5U.S .C . 118e. No. 269