Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/991

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Electrical Plants, loans for financing con- Page Emergency Management, Office for-Con. +-r-+irn n-no7-+in te+ Q9r. Ecnnnmicr Stahilizat.inn OffinP nf- 161- .. U-U, pltll U---- -- -- -- ---- - - Electrification Administration, Rural: Appropriation for.--- ------- - 168, 458, 863 Engineer trainees, employment of citi- zens of other American republics-- 462 Reports, financial and credit, purchase of----------------------------- 740 Elk Creek, Iowa, flood-control project authorized ---------------------- 896 Elkhorn River, Nebr., flood-control exam- ination authorized -------------- _ - 904 Elkport, Iowa, flood-protection project authorized ----------------------- 896 Ellis Island Immigration Station: Hospitals, use of, for care of Public Health Service patients ---- _---- 558 Repeal of provisions respecting ------ - 718 Elm Creek, Okla., flood-control exam- ination authorized----------------- 904 Emergency Advisory Committee for Political Defense, appropriation for contribution --------------------- 402 Emergency Boards, National Mediation Board, appropriation for----------- 568 Emergency Court of Appeals. See under United States Courts. Emergency Farm Mortgage Act of 1933, Amendment, one-year extension of re- duced interest rate on Land Bank Commissioner loans --------------- 646 Emergency Fund for the President, appro- priation continued available; restric- tion-------------------------- 599 Emergency Health and Sanitation Activ- ities: Appropriation for-------------- 166, 557, 856 Appropriations authorized ---------- .. 712 Emergency Infant Care. See Infant Care, Emergency. Emergency Management, Office for: Alien Property Custodian, funds avail- able------------------------ 855,873 Appropriation for ------------------- 17, 152, 164, 536, 570, 600, 630, 855, 873 Central Administrative Services, Divi- sion of- Appropriation for -------------- 164, 536 Damage claims--. .---- ---- 177, 614, 876 Transfer of funds----------------- 536 Civilian Defense, Office of- Appropriation for------------------ 536 Penalty mail costs, appropriation available for------------------ 873 Claims against U. S., consideration, etc., of --------------------------- 543 Defense Transportation, Office of. See separate title. l - rtinn nt -f h-------------- 543 Appropriation for----------------- General provisions, applicability of__ Penalty mail costs, appropriation available for--------------- Fair Employment Practice, Committee on- Appropriation for; limitations on use of funds for designated purposes- Penalty mail costs, appropriation available for ----------------- Foreign Economic Administration. See separate title. General provisions


Economic Stabilization, Office of, applicability to -------------- Foreign Economic Administration, applicability to---------------- War Manpower Commission, appli- cability to------------------- Inter-American Affairs, Office of Co- ordinator of. See separate title. National War Labor Board- Appropriation for --------------- 1 . Damage claims....------------ Officers and employees, inapplica- bility of designated sections of Criminal Code---------------- Penalty mail costs, appropriation available for-------------- Oaths, administration of------------- Penalty mail costs, appropriation avail- able for--------------------- Price Administration, Office of. See separate title. Scientific Research and Devehloplmnt, Page 600 600 874 536 874 543 600 631 17, 572 64, 538 177 765 874 543 873 Ollicc of. See separate title. Vehicles, apl)ropriations availanlle for hire of ---------------- .. 544 War Information, Office of. See sepa- rate title. War Manpower Commission. See sepa- rate title. War Mobilization, Office of- Appropriation for --------------- 541 Surplus Property Board, establish- ment, etc-------------------- 768 Termination --------------------- 792 War Mobilization and Reconversion, Office of- Contract Settlement, Office of- Appropriation for--------------- 856 Establishment, etc -------------- 651 Placement within Office of War Mobilization and Reconver- sion---------------------- Establishment, etc ....- -- -- -- -- - Penalty mail costs, appropriation for------------------------ 785 785 874 INDEX XXXIX , i..llVUl Afu vaZ
