Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/830

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 596, 597-DEC. 16 ,1944 bodies from place to place within the District of Columbia, in accord- ance with the provisions of section 675 of this code. Such deputies shall be furnished with a currently correct list of names of physicians registered at the Health Department of the District of Columbia to enable them to ascertain the authenticity of death certificates. Permits for convey- "SEC. 676. CONVEYANCE THROUGH THE DISTRICT.-NO dead body or an o . C part of the dead body of any human being shall be in any manner carried or conveyed from, in, to, or through said District by any person, or by means of any boat, vessel, car, stage, or other vehicle, or by any public or private conveyance, without a permit therefor first granted by the Health Officer of said District, or any duly appointed deputy, or by the proper municipal, county, or State authorities at the place where the death or disinterment occurred: Provided, That bodies or parts of dead bodies aforesaid, except such as have died of Asiatic cholera, yellow fever, typhus fever, smallpox (including varioloid), leprosy, the plague, diphtheria, or scarlet fever, may be brought into said District, carried through the same in transit Endorsement. upon a permit of the proper authorities, and whenever the remains of any deceased person have been conveyed, transferred, or removed beyond the limits of said District it shall be the duty of the person or agent or officer of the corporation having charge of such convey- ance, transfer, or removal to detach, date, sign, and return to the Health Officer the permit authorizing such conveyance, transfer, or removal before 6 o'clock postmeridian of the Saturday following the day of such conveyance, transfer, or removal of said remains." Approved December 16, 1944. [CHAPTER 597] December 16,194 AN ACT [[H iR 3720 ] To authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to appoint notaries [Public Law 492] public. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Dnc.ta pnblc United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 558 of the Act entitled "An Act to establish a code of law for the District of Columbia", approved March 3, 1901, as amended (D. C. Code, 81 stat. 129. 1940 edition, title 1, sec. 501), be further amended to read as follows: oApointment by "SEc. 558. NoTAsms.- The Commissioners of the District of Colum- bia shall have power to appoint such number of notaries public, residents of said District, or whose sole place of businesss or employ- Reprnting of c- ment is located within said District, as, in their discretion, the busi- ents beefore o°vern- ness of the District may require: Provided, That the appointment of ment departments any person as such notary public, or the acceptance of his commission as such, or the performance of the duties thereunder, shall not dis- qualify or prevent such person from representing clients before any of the departmentof f the United States Government in the District ConditL of Columbia or elsewhere: Provided further, That such person so appointed as a notary public who appears to practice or represent clients before any such department is not otherwise engaged in Gov- ernment employ, and shall be admitted by the heads of such depart- ments to practice therein in accordance with the rules and regulations prescribed for other persons or attorneys who are admitted to prac- Disqnuation. tice therein: And provided further, That no notary public shall be authorized to take acknowledgments, administer oaths, certify papers, or perform any official acts in connection with matters in which he is employed as counsel, attorney, or agent, or in which he may be in any way interested before any of the departments aforesaid. se "Each notary public before obtaining his commission, and for each renewal thereof, shall pay to the Collector of Taxes of the District 810 [58 STAT.