Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/824

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 581-DEC. 14,1944 Maium. "(b) The total pension payable under this section shall not exceed $74. Where such benefits would otherwise exceed $74, the amount of $74 may be apportioned as the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs may prescribe." 2 Sa. 363. SEC. 3. That section 3 of Public Law Numbered 514, Seventy-fifth 38 u. sC. 150 Congress, May 13, 1938, is hereby amended to read as follows: " idow ofa.World "SEC. 3. On and after the date of enactment of this Act for the purpose of payment of compensation or pension under the laws administered by the Veterans' Administration, the term 'widow of a World War I veteran' shall mean a woman who was married prior to the effective date of enactment of this amendment, or ten or more oooarriage years, to the person who served: Provided, That all marriages shall be proven as valid marriages according to the law of the place where the parties resided at the time of marriage or the law of the place where the parties resided when the right to compensation or pension Date o marriage. accrued: And provided further, That where the original date of mar- riage meets the statutory requirement and the parties were legally married at date of de of of the veteran, the requirement of the statute Remrriage. as to date of marriage will be regarded as having been met. Com- pensation or pension shall not be allowed a widow who has remarried either once or more than once, and where compensation or pension is properly discontinued by reason of remarriage it shall not thereafter Continuous cohabi- be recommenced. No compensation or pension shall be paid to a on requirement. widow unless there was continuous cohabitation with the person who served from the date of marriage to date of death, except where there was a separation which was due to the misconduct of or procured by the person who served, without the fault of the widow." Effective date. SEC. 4 . This Act shall be effective from the date of its approval: Adjdicaon ofPrior Provided, That notwithstanding the repeal of subsections (a) and (b) of section 1 of Public Law Numbered 484, Seventy-third Con- gress, as amended, contained in section 1 of this Act, claims otherwise payable for a period prior to the effective date of this Act may be adjudicated and placed on the roll and the benefits of this Act shall be applicable to such claims and those claims now on the rolls. SEC. 5 . Except to the extent they may conflict with the provisions 8stat.8. of this Act the provisions of Public Law Numbered 2, Seventy-third T3, note fou. 724; Congress, March 20, 1933, the Veterans Regulations promulgated noull. i 73"'2 thereunder, and of Public Law Numbered 144, Seventy-eighth Con- Ante, pp. 219, 2K3 gress, July 13, 1943, as now or hereafter amended, shall be applicable s'tat.5 .' to this Act: Provided, That no compensation or pension shall be 38 U. S.C., Supp. In. i 7-732., 8u reduced or discontinued by the enactment of this Act. B'(C). SEC. 6. The widow, child, or children of a veteran who served in Veterans of World World War II whose death is not due to service therein, but who at War U. No.nervroeme the time of death was receiving or entitled to receive pension, com- ed death. pensation, or retirement pay for disability incurred in such service, or who, having served at least ninety days during such war period or having been discharged for disability incurred in line of duty during such service, dies or has died from a disease or disability not service connected and at the time of death had a disability due to such service for which pension would be payable if 10 per centum or more in degree, shall be entitled to pension in the amounts and otherwise subject to Clas- the conditions of Public Law Numbered 484, as amended: Provided, so, 50B7a; upp That for the purposes of this section the definition of the terms "vet- AWe, p. 80. eran" "widow", "child or children" shall be those applicable to World 38 v. S. o .. sp War II as provided in Public Law Numbered 2, Seventy-third Con- ml noelfoi. 7. gress, as now or hereafter amended: And provided further, That Ane, P. U section 4, Public Law Numbered 312, Seventy-eighth Congress, is hereby amended accordingly. Approved December 14, 1944. [58 STAT.