Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/822

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 579, 580-DEC. 13, 14 , 1944 [CHAPTER 579] AN ACT December 13. 1944 [S. 1710] To authorize the sale and conveyance of certain property of the estate of Jackson [Public Law 4811 Barnett, deceased Creek Indian. Jackson Barnett, estate. Sale and convey- ance of certain prop- erty. December 14, 1944 [. 2019] [Public Law 4821 Fleet Admiral of U.S. Navy. Grade established. General of the Army. Grade established. Rank, privileges, etc. 10U. .. . 22a. Manner and tenure of appointments. Status of appointees. Appointments from retired list. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized to sell and convey any or all of the property hereinafter described, upon such terms and conditions as he shall prescribe: Lot 2 of tract numbered 8553, as shown on map recorded in book 105, pages 22 and 23 of maps, and the southerly forty feet of lot 20 and all of lot 21 of tract numbered 3446, as shown on map recorded in book 37, page 84 of maps, in the office of the county recorder of Los Angeles County, California, together with all improve- ments thereon, and all furniture, fixtures, and personal property, belonging to the estate of Jackson Barnett, located in or on said real property. Approved December 13, 1944. [CHAPTER 580] AN ACT To establish the grade of Fleet Admiral of the United States Navy; to establish the grade of General of the Army, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the grade of Fleet Admiral of the United States Navy is hereby established on the active list of the line of the Regular Navy as the highest grade in the Navy. Appointments to said grade shall be made by the Presi- dent, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, from among line officers on the active list and retired line officers on active duty serving in the rank of admiral in the Navy at the time of such appoint- ment. The number of officers of such grade on the active list at any one time shall not exceed four. SEC. 2. The grade of General of the Army is hereby established. Appointments to said grade shall be made by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, from officers of the Army who, at the time of such appointment, are serving in the grade of general officer in the Army. The number of officers holding the grade of General of the Army on active duty shall not exceed four. The officers appointed under the provisions of this section shall take rank above all other officers on the active list of or on active duty in the Army and shall be entitled to all rights, privileges, benefits, pay, and allowances provided by this Act, notwithstanding any provisions of the Act of February 23, 1929 (45 Stat. 1255), or any other law. SEC. 3. Appointments under authority of this Act shall be made without examination and shall continue in force, during such period as the President shall determine. The permanent or temporary status of officers of the active list of the Navy or of the Army appointed to a higher grade pursuant to section 1 or section 2 hereof shall not be vacated solely by reason of such appointment, nor shall such appointees be prejudiced in regard to promotion, in accordance with the laws relating to the Navy or the Army. An officer appointed from the retired list to the grade of Fleet Admiral of the United States Navy on the active list or General of the Army as provided herein shall, upon the termination of such appointment, revert to the status held by him prior to such appointment, except as otherwise provided herein. [58 STAT.