Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/794

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tions which have resulted in or would effect discrimination against small business in the purchase or acquisition of surplus property by them and in the disposal thereof by the agencies. Consultations. (d) The Smaller War Plants Corporation is hereby authorized and directed to consult with small business to obtain full information concerning the needs of small business for surplus property. Purchases for resale. (e) The Smaller War Plants Corporation shall have the power to purchase any surplus property for resale, subject to regulations of the Board, to small business (and is empowered to receive other property in exchange as partial or full payment therefor), when in its judgment, such disposition is required to preserve and strengthen the competitive position of small business, or will assist the Corpora- tion in the discharge of the duties and responsibilities imposed upon AntcpI7.O it. The provisions of subsections (a) and (c) of section 12 shall be applicable to purchases made by the Smaller War Plants Corpora- tion under this subsection. Loans. (f) The Smaller War Plants Corporation is hereby authorized, for the purpose of carrying out the objectives of this section, to make or guarantee loans to small business enterprises in connection with the acquisition, conversion, and operation of plants and facilities which have been determined to be surplus property, and, in cooperation with ales on edit or the disposal agencies, to arrange for sales of surplus property to small business concerns on credit or time bases. DISPOSAL OF PLANTS Report to Congres as to designated classes. Interim report. Additional report. SFC. 19. (a) The Board, in cooperation with the various disposal agencies, shall prepare and submit to the Congress within three months after enactment of this Act, a report as to each of the follow- ing classes of surplus property (not including any plant which cost the Government less than $5,000,000): (1) aluminum plants and facilities; (2) magnesium plants and facilities; (3) synthetic rubber plants and facilities; (4) chemical plants and facilities; (5) aviation gasoline plants and facilities; (6) iron and steel plants and facilities; (7) pipe lines and facilities used for transporting oil; (8) patents, processes, techniques, and inventions except such as are necessary to the operation of the plants and facilities herein listed; (9) aircraft plants and facilities and aircraft and aircraft parts; (10) shipyards and facilities; (11) transportation facilities; and (12) radio and electrical equipment: (A) Describing the amount, cost, and location of the property and setting forth other descriptive information relative to the use of the property ; (B) Outlining the economic problems that may be created by disposition of the property; (C) Setting forth a plan or program for the care and handling2 disposition, and use of the property consistent with the policies and objectives set forth in this Act. (b) In the event that it is not possible within such period to prepare and submit a complete report to the Congress as to any class of property, the Board shall submit an interim report three months after the enactment of this Act, and shall submit a complete report as soon thereafter as possible. If the Board determines that it is desirable to alter or change any such plan or program or to prepare a report on any other class of property, it shall prepare in accordance with the provisions of this subsection and submit to the Congress an additional report, setting forth the altered or changed plan or program or a plan or program relating to the new class of property. 774 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 479-OCT. 3, 1944 [58 STAT.