Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/773

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58 STAT.] 78TH CONG., 2n SESS.-CHS. 426 , 427-SEPT. 27, 1944 SEC. 4 . This Act shall be effective from the date of its approval. Sections 2 and 3, inclusive, shall be applicable to claims filed or adjudicated thereafter and the beginning date of awards shall be as provided in applicable statute or regulations: Provided, That no claim heretofore disallowed by reason of misconduct or line of duty requirement shall be revived but benefits may be payable on the basis of a new claim filed hereafter in such form as may be prescribed by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. Approved September 27, 1944. 753 Effective date. Disallowed claims. [CHAPTER 427] AN ACT SANACT eptember 27, 1944 Authorizing and directing the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain land to [I. 1807] the city of Duluth, Minnesota. [Public Law 440] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized and directed to convey to the city of Duluth, Minnesota, the following-described land, now a part of the fisheries station in said city: Beginning at a point on the east line of Sixtieth Avenue East in the city of Duluth, State of Minnesota, said point lying forty-three and four one-hundredths feet in a northerly direction from a point at the intersection of the center line of London Road, extended with the said east line of Sixtieth Avenue East; thence extending in an easterly direction at an angle of sixty-six degrees and fifteen minutes to the left of said east line of Sixtieth Avenue East a distance of sixty-one and fifty-seven one-hundredths feet to a point of curve; thence continuing on a curve to the left whose radius is one thousand three hundred and forty-five and seven-tenths feet a distance of three hundred and sixty-four and eighteen one-hun- dredths feet, to the center line of Lester River as now located; thence in a southeasterly direction along the center line of said Lester River a distance of one hundred and thirty-two and thirty-six one-hun- dredths feet to a point; thence westerly parallel to the curve above described and distant therefrom one hundred and twenty feet, a dis- tance of one hundred and seventy-eight and twenty one-hundredths feet to a point; thence northerly on a radial line a distance of eight and five-tenths feet to a point; thence westerly parallel to the curve first above described and distant therefrom one hundred and eleven and five-tenths feet a distance of two hundred and seventy-eight and ten one-hundredths feet to a point of tangency; thence westerly on a tangent line a distance of twelve and fifty-one one -hundredths feet to a point on the east line of Sixtieth Avenue East; thence northerly on said east line of Sixtieth Avenue East a distance of one hundred and twenty-one and eighty-two one-hundredths feet to a point of beginning and there terminating, containing an area of one and one-hundred-and-seventy-six one-thousandths acres; said land being located in sections 5 and 8, township 50 north, range 13 west, of the fourth principal meridian. The said conveyance to the city of Duluth shall be made subject to the conditions that the land be used for the construction of and maintenance of a public highway free of any expense to the United States, that the highway be constructed and maintained so as not to interfere with the operations of and access to the fish hatchery station, and that in the event of the discontinu- ance by the city of Duluth of the use of the above-described property as a public highway, or upon failure to maintain the same in accord- ance with the conditions of the deed, title to said land shall revert to the United States. Duluth, Minn. Conveyancee of land. Use of land for pub- lic highway. Reverdonary provi- so*. 93650'----PT. i- --