Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/652

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 325-JUNE 30, 1944 mne 30. 1944 I8. 1764] [Public Law 383] Stabilization Exten- sion Act of 1944. 56 Stat. 25. [CHAPTER 325] AN ACT To amend the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, and the Stabili- zation Act of October 2, 1942, as amended, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Stabilization Extension Act of 1944". TITLE I-AMENDMENTS TO THE EMERGENCY PRICE CONTROL ACT OF 1942 TERMINATION DATE sgtat.S, pp. SEC. 101. Section 1 (b) of the Emergency Price Control Act of I, app. s9o (b). 1942, as amended, is amended by striking out "June 30, 1944" and substituting "June 30, 1945". 6 Stat. Supp. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2 OF EMERGENCY PRICE CONTROL ACT OF 1942 U. S. C., Supp. II,s pp.902. SEC. 102. Section 2 of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, is amended to read as follows: t/PRICES, RENTS, AND MARKET AND RENTING PRACTICES Establishment of "SEC. 2. (a) Whenever in the judgment of the Price Adminis- maximum commodity pries. trator (provided for in section 201) the price or prices of a com- 50 U.S. C ., supp. modity or commodities have risen or threaten to rise to an extent or P",p.32. in a manner inconsistent with the purposes of this Act, he may by 637.. 637. regulation or order establish such maximum price or maximum prices as in his judgment will be generally fair and equitable and will effec- Considerationi tuate the purposes of this Act. So far as practicable in establishing prices. any maximum price, the Administrator shall ascertain and give due consideration to the prices prevailing between October 1 and October 15, 1941 (or if, in the case of any commodity, there are no prevailing prices between such dates, or the prevailing prices between such dates are not generally representative because of abnormal or seasonal mar- ket conditions or other cause, then to the prices prevailing during the nearest two-week period in which, in the judgment of the Admin- istrator, the prices for such commodity are generally representative), for the commodity or commodities included under such regulation or relevant factors order, and shall make adjustments for such relevant factors as he may determine and deem to be of general applicability, including the following: Speculative fluctuations, general increases or decreases in costs of production, distribution, and transportation, and general increases or decreases in profits earned by sellers of the commodity or commodities, during and subsequent to the year ended October 1, trary to etabishodon 1941: Provided, That no such regulation or order shall contain any acounting methods. provision requiring the determination of costs otherwise than in accordance with established accounting methods. Every regulation or order issued under the foregoing provisions of this subsection shall be accompanied by a statement of the considerations involved in the orderuation or issuance of such regulation or order. As used in the foregoing pro- visions of this subsection, the term 'regulation or order' means a regu- Consultation with lation or order of general applicability and effect. Before issuing tives. any regulation or order under the foregoing provisions of this sub- section, the Administrator shall, so far as practicable, advise and consult with representative members of the industry which will be affected by such regulation or order, and shall give consideration to duS ad visor y their recommendations. In the case of any commodity for which a maximum price has been established, the Administrator shall, at the 632 [58 STAT.