Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/612

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 303-JUNE 28, 1944 Temporary employ- ment. 41 U.. C.C 6. Use of field-service appropriations for per- sonal services. Employment of ad- ditional personnel. Tie-memsuring de- vices, restriction on usa contained in this Act for military activities shall be available for the payment of actual transportation expenses and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsistence and other expenses of persons serving while away from their homes, without other compensation from the United States, in an advisory capacity to the Secretary of War, and for the temporary employment of persons (at not to exceed $25 per day) or organizations, by contract or otherwise, without regard to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes or the civil-service or classification laws: Provided, That no field-service appropriation shall be available for personal services in the War Department except as may be expressly authorized herein; Office of Chief of Staff, $394,000; Adjutant General's Office, $2,088,000; Office of the Inspector General, $33,000; Office of the Judge Advocate General, $134,000; Office of the Chief of Finance, $609,000; Office of the Quartermaster General, $831,000; Office of the Chief Signal Officer, $371,000; Office of Commanding General, Army Air Forces, $517,000; Office of the Surgeon General, $393,000; Office of Chief of Engineers, $531,000; Office of Chief of Ordnance, $883,000; Office of Chief of Chemical Warfare Service, $83,000; Office of Chief of Chaplains, $7,000; National Guard Bureau, War Department, $86,000; In all salaries, War Department, $7,524,000. The Secretary of War is authorized to employ such additional personnel at the seat of government and elsewhere, and to provide out of any appropriations available for the Military Establishment for their salaries and for such printing and binding, communication and other services, and supplies as he may deem necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act, but the amount so used for personal serv- ices at the seat of government, other than for field service employees, shall not exceed one-third of 1 per centum of the total amount of cash appropriated for the Army. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY CONTINGENT EXPENSES, WAR DEPARTMENT For stationery and office supplies; purchase of professional and scientific books, lawbooks, including their exchange; books of refer- ence, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers (not to exceed $3,500), maps; furniture and repairs to same; carpets, linoleum, filing equipment, photo supplies, towels, ice, brooms, soap, sponges; purchase of motor- trucks; maintenance, repair, and operation of motortrucks and one motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle; freight and express charges; streetcar fares; postage; and other necessary expenses; $511,000, and, in addition, not to exceed $5,989,000 of appropriations made available in this Act for the Military Establishment. PRINTING AND BINDING, WAR DEPARTMENT For printing and binding for the War Department, except such as may be otherwise provided for in accordance with existing law, $901,000, and, in addition, not to exceed $39,099,000 of appropria- tions made available in this Act for the Military Establishment. SEC. 2. No part of the appropriations made in this Act shall be available for the salary or pay of any officer, manager, superintendent, foreman, or other person having charge of the work of any employee 592 [58 STAT.