Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 58 Part 1.djvu/580

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 302--JUNE 28, 1944 49tat6.34. . of the Social Security Act, approved August 14, 1935, as amended, 2. - including personal and other services in the District of Columbia and POt, P. 719. elsewhere and items otherwise properly chargeable to the appropria- tion for miscellaneous and contingent expenses for the Public Health Service, and the maintenance, repair, and operation of passenger- carrying automobiles, $339,000, of which not to exceed $95,000 may Infra. be transferred without limitation account to the appropriation "Pay, and so forth, commissioned officers, Public Health Service". National Cancer Institute: For carrying into effect the provisions 50Stat. 562 . of section 7 (b) of the National Cancer Institute Act, approved 2(b. - - 137f August 5, 1937, $561,000, including the purchase of reprints of Post, p. 719. scientific and technical articles published in periodicals and journals. Ante, p.44. Commissioned officers, pay, and so forth: For pay, allowance, and commutation of quarters for not to exceed five hundred and seventy regular active commissioned officers (including the Surgeon General, Assistant to the Surgeon General, and assistant surgeons general) and for pay of regular commissioned officers on waiting orders, $2,937,719: Provided,That the above limitation on the number of reg- ular active commissioned officers may be exceeded by the number (not in excess of thirty) of regular active commissioned officers assigned Asisant to s ur - to Federal penal and correctional institutions: Provided further, That geon G. the Assistant to the Surgeon General may, for the duration of his present detail to the War Department, be promoted to the grade of major general and receive the pay and allowances of comparable grade in the Army. Salaries, Office of Surgeon General: For personal services, $595,000. Miscellaneous and contingent expenses: For miscellaneous and con- tingent expenses necessary for the work of the Public Health Service, including stationery supplies; operation, maintenance, and repair of passenger-carrying automobiles; contract stenographic reporting services; not to exceed $4,500 for the preparation of public health exhibits, including personal services and the cost of acquiring, trans- porting, and displaying exhibit materials; packing, unpacking, crating, drayage, and transportation of personal effects of commissioned officers on transfer from one official station to another in the public interest when authorized by the Surgeon General in the order directing such transfer; not to exceed $850 for lawbooks books of reference, and periodicals for the Office of the Surgeon General; nominal compen- sation of collaborating epidemiologists and others; and allowances for living quarters (not exceeding $1,700 for any one person), includ- ing heat, fuel, and light, as authorized by the Act approved June 26, 46S tat. 818. 1930 (5 U. S . C. 118a); $1902000. Transporton of The appropriations in this title for traveling expenses shall be available for preparation for shipment and transportation to their former homes or to such other places in the United States as the Surgeon General may approve of remains of officers who die in line of duty. SAINT ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL Salaries and expenses: For support, clothing, and treatment in Saint Elizabeths Hospital of persons who have become insane since their entry into the armed forces of the United States, insane bene- ficiaries of the United States Employees' Compensation Commission, and all other insane persons whose admission to the hospital is authorized by law, including reimbursement to employees for the cost of repair or replacement (where the damage exceeds $2 and does not exceed $100) of personal belongings damaged or destroyed by patients while employees were in line of duty, and not exceeding $27,000 for maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled 560 [58 STAT.